Move Love

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"I want you to join my company. I think you would make a wonderful artist and i would love to work with you, to a better future" he suggested. "I don't know, what exactly would i be doing?" i asked. "We basically sponsor artists and their upcoming paintings" he stated. "So is that why you brought me here? To see if i'm worth your companies material" i said gaining attitude. "Hell no. It's just an idea , you don't have to. I brought you here because i wanted to get to know you better. Your like a closed book that i want to read" he stated.

We follow the moonlight, and chase after the sun

I looked down at my feet, clueless as to what to say. "What did i say about looking down at your feet" he said getting closer to me. I slowly backed up bumping into the cases of open paint. It spilled all over me, seeping in places where it shouldn't be. Yellow is the new Karhé. Lamar busted out in laughter.Lasting longer than it should. I just stood there with a straight face staring him down. "I'm sorry babygirl, i live upstairs so you can clean up there" he said still chuckling. He grabbed a towel and threw it at me. I dried up the paint and headed upstairs with him.

Searching for the silver line

Although the area he lived in was terrible his apartment was well decorated with expensive modern furniture. "The bathroom is in that door, i'll give you some clothes when you finish" he stated. I walked into his bathroom closing the door behind me. His bathroom looked amazing. I stripped my clothes leaving it in the glass sink filled with water and soap. Carefully stepping into his glass shower, rinsing the paint out of my hair. I washed myself with his dove soap taking in the soothing warm water. As soon as i finished i grabbed the clean towel in the cabinet. Wrapping it tightly around my body i heard a knock on the door. I opened it quickly grabbing the clothes out of his hands and closed the door in his face. As soon as i finished changing, i washed my dirty clothes by hand removing the paint. Squeezing out all the water, i wrapped it into the towel i had wore earlier and walked out.

Lamar just stood there breathless gazing at my body in his clothes. What a pervert. "Hello? Do you have a dryer?" i asked breaking his trance. "Uh yeah it's in that room right there" he said pointing in the opposite direction. Walking to the room and threw my clothes into the dryer. I walked back out into the living room admiring some of the luxuries he had.

"Sit, get com-for-table" he stated in a slight accent. Sitting down in the couch in front of him, i sparked a conversation. "So, where's your family?" i asked. "Oh probably somewhere in the middle of nowhere" he said chuckling to himself. "Did you grow up here?" i asked. "No, i grew up in Jamaica and moved here when i was 9" he stated. "That explains the accent" i said laughing.

"Ask me something really uncomfortable" he requested. "Uh okay? How many girls have you brought here?" i said with a serious face. "Enough" he stated. "How much is enough" I asked growing curious. "1" he said with a serious face. My face eased up. Almost as if i was relieved he said that. "Why you ask?" he stated. "Curiosity" i spat out. "Curiosity to ross. You were actually jealous" he said smirking. In that instant his whole face looked different. His jawline was sharper and more defined, with his sensual eyes glaring me down.

Stay strong, live and lead, move love across seas

He was absolutely sexy with that one expression alone. "Stop that" i said looking away. "Stop what?" he said. "That glare of yours" i stated covering my eyes. I felt his presence right in front of me. He gently removed my hands from my face and slowly started to lean in.

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