Just Go

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That's all I see when I open my eyes. White walls, white bed, bright lights. Then I see a walk lined with chairs and in those chairs were filled with everyone. Lorenzo, Alessio, Luna, My dad, my mom,  Chaz, a few body guards. I shift, and I look at everyone. No one noticed I was awake yet. I noticed Lorenzo had a drained facial expression, while my dad looked murderous.

"Hey what happened?" I said, my voice cracking.

Luna jumped up, and that's when I knew whatever happened at the party was bad. Luna was crying. Luna doesn't cry, she didn't cry when she broke 3 of her ribs, or when she got cheated on last year. Luna has cried a total of 2 times. When gramps died 2 years ago, and when Alessio overdosed on cocaine. I just made it 3.

She ran over to the bed, and she launched herself over the barrier and attached herself on to me.

"Oh Nyx." she said. I gasped, as a sudden jolt of pain shot threw my stomach. Luna shot off of me and I looked down. I had a. Hospital gown on and I felt a big bandage on my stomach. I examined my body, I had bandages everywhere, and I was connected to 2 different i.v's.

"What the hell?" I said. My dad stood up, and came to me.

"What do you remember?" He said. I thought. 

"Um, Chaz. I remember talking to Chaz, and then seeing that sketchy guy. I remember shooting him. Then I blacked out." I said. 

"He shot you baby. 6 times. 3 in the stomach, 2 in your arm and 1 in your leg." Luna said. 

"Did I kill him?" I said. 

"No, we removed the bullets, and he's being held in the basement." Dad explained. I nod. The door opened, and a doctor came in. He looked at me. 

"Hello ms. Lombardi, how do you feel?" He asked. 

"Um, okay, I guess, my stomach feels queezy." I said. He nods, and writes something on his clipboard. Dads phone rings, and he looks at it. 

"Nyx I have to go." He said, then he walked out, the guards trailing him. The doctor, messed with my IV and then he left. Lorenzo, Luna, Alessio, Chaz, and my Mom all stayed by my side until visiting hours were over. when they left, I lay back, and just laughed. This was my life. this would continue to be my life. 


I woke up, so someone opening my door. I tried to stay still. I heard footsteps coming closer to my bed, and then someone sat down, and took my hand. I opened my eyes to see Lorenzo, sitting there. I smiled. 

"Hey" I whispered. He looked in my eyes and smiled. 

"Hey, how you feeling?" He said. I nod. 

"Better than someone who just got shot." I said. He sighs, and kisses my hand. 

"Baby I'm so sorry" He whispered. I shake my head. 

"No, it's what I sighed up for. It's okay. I'm fine."I said. 

"You never deserved this. You never sighed up for this." He retorted. 

"Neither did you" I said. He shook his head, and dropped his gaze. 

"Nyx, I can't keep doing this" He whispered. I stared at him breathlessly, hoping he was joking, playing some sick moronic joke on me. 

"What?" I said. 

"I can't keep standing by, and watching you get yourself hurt. One day you're gonna die, and I'm gonna regret never telling you this." He said. He looked me in my eyes and I saw tears threaten to fall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2017 ⏰

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