Chapter 1 - Yippie, I'm too jumpy

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Picture of Mina
"Mina. Wakey wakey. Mina. Wake up." I heard a faint but familiar voice say. I opened my eyes to see my laptop open and Jared's cocky face appeared.

I must have slept off using it.

"Wake up or you'll be late for school."

"Shut up and let me sleep."

"I feel insulted."

"Goodbye." I said as I stood up to shut it. I pulled myself into the bathroom and wore my uniform. I went down the stairs to see my mum humming and making something eatable.

"Good morning mum." I said as I kissed her cheek.

"Let me guess. Jared." I nodded and she laughed.

"You've got a personal human alarm clock."

"He's just lucky. Everyday."

"Cause you always leave your laptop on and automatic video call answering makes it easier for him. I like that kid."

"Whatever. What's for breakfast?"


"I love pancakes. They are good." I ate extra careful cause of my uniform. It was the last day in school. My last day in St Nicholas Middle School. It was strictly uniform. Lots of people complained but I loved it. I hated the stress of choosing clothes every morning. I looked through the glass door that led to the yard. A puppy that looked a huge cotton ball. It was cute. That was Fluffy.

"Let's get going, mum."

"Coming." We got to my school and I jumped out. I really didn't care about classes, I just wanted the day to end. I was glad it did. Mum came and on the way I noticed she was tensed.

"Anything wrong?"

"Nope. Why ask?"

"Cause your clutching the wheel way too tight."

"Very observant."

"Tell me mum."

"Your dad."

"What happened? You guys are getting back together?"

"No. But he wants you back."


"When we left, your dad and I decided on you doing middle school here and high school there."

"Wait, I will see Jared again?"


"When am I going?"

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