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The next morning I woke up in my apartment splayed out all over my sleeping bag.My back hurt a little but I'd learned to live with it.The wood floor was cold this morning.

My bedroom door was left ajar and I heard the voice of someone singing.I gathered my phone from next to me and checked the time it was nearly 6am plenty of time for relaxation as classes started at 8.

I got off the bed and dragged my zombie self to the door frame,yawning, and feeling the absence of a shirt on my chest and a cold wind in my netheregions.I looked down I realized I was also naked.Hm.

I quicky dashed back into my bedroom all sleep evading my body,suddenly replaced by panic.I'm Diego and I'm a 22 year old virgin oh well maybe not anymore, hum.

When I found a pair of sweats I quickly dragged them up my legs,tucking myself inside and tying the drawstrings tightly.Worst case scenarios were running through my head.What if I lost my v-card to a stranger...what if I had and STD...what if the person was still here?

I stomped outside,not caring if they heard because I was in such a huff and before I could see who I was speaking to I blurted out,
"Do you have any form of an STD?"

And,when the person turned around,I realised it was the same girl from last night and felt very embarrased.She looked at me confusedly before giggling,
"Of course not,when would I have the time?"

All the anger fizzled out of me.She giggled at me ,because I'm sure I looked like a deflated baloon right now, before leading me to my thrift store couch with my plate of scrambled egg sandwich and I want to tell her I'm considering going vegan but this sandwich is too good.

She told me Skate and the boys dropped both of us off around midnight and said that they were going to come around later to make me a tumblr blog.WIhen i asked why she didn't know.

After breakfast she told me her name,Esmerelda Rizzo and that she came to England from Verona to study child psychology. "If nothing works when I go for a job,I'm going to work for Brazzers," ,she said and we laughed about that over the morning brew.

Soon I was showering and getting ready for school,but I didn't want to go.I wanted to stay here and talk to Esme,who I learned did not sleep with me.She packed me a penut butter and jelly sandwich and slipped it into my backpack .I walked to school but she walked back to her dormitory.

It seems as though she put her number in my phone because she had already texted herself my number.All day I couldn't focus,my brain was buzzing with the thought of Esme.My stomach twisting itself into knots.

During lunch I ate my sandwich quite happily,ignorning the stares of everyone because I know to them I'm just ''that guy with that tattoo that eats by himself". One day that's going to change.I'm going to be ''that successful Man from Murcia who travels alot because he's a foreign language translator". But for now I'll stick with my label.

Skate and Derek found me during lunch and told me about their plan to help me get famous.They decided that they were now my managers and came up with a shedule for 'photoshoots' which I knew was us borrowing Derek's mum's camera to get good pictures.We were going to make social media accounts for me to be known to mankind and post my photos there.Hopefully, someone might stumble on them and contact me or if I want to audition for a pro we say that D.L (Derek Lanfield ) is an amazing photographer and I constatnly star in his photos.

However,where the heck did this idea come from?

"The guy from last night mate,don't you remember? He told you to get your face out there and you could be a male model!Come on it's worth a shot!"Derek said,shaking my shoulders.

"What?No.Guys stop stop stop.I don't want to do this just because some guy in a dark bar said I should."I said shaking my head,My face pinched.

"As c'mon Diego please? Have we ever led you astray?"Skate asked.

"No that's because you haven't got the chance to,"I folded my arms over my chest.

"Awww mate c'mon live a little.Nothing bad could possible 'appen,"they chorused.

"A lot could happen,somebody could use my face for catfishing,pedophilia.I could get kidnapped!Besides I am not even modeling material...I don't want to do it."

"Alright but at least consider it,"Derek nodded.

I would but not favourably.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2018 ⏰

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