Chapter 5

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Susan's P.O.V

A few days later I realised there bond got stronger. I took the doll to my friend Marie who works at the university of science. I left them alone overnight to find what's going out with the doll and Katie. I felt like something was gonna happen.

Marie's P.O.V

This dolls starting to freak me out I feel like I need to attach it to something so I won't disappear. There was a cold breeze as the window flapped open wildly and the lights flickered out. I was scared out of my skin I have been left with this mind controlling doll thing now this. I grabbed my torch and rushed to the safety box but what happened next I wouldn't expect. I walked back to my deck when I stepped into a pool of blood but who's blood. Written on the wall was 'Marie you took her from me, you tried to destroy her.' I knew instantly what had happened I pulled my phone out to call the police when something grabbed my leg something that was hardly breathing. Janet the cleaner clinging for her life say ' help me save me the doll did it' her eyes rolled back so only white could be seen and her hand loosen round my leg. It fell silent you could even hear a pin drop. I called the police and explained everything that happened and started to feel dizzy. I called Susan to say the doll had disappeared and not to worry about Katie. Susan panicked for Katie's sake she knew that Katie will be after her, her own daughter trying to kill her. I couldn't bare the thoughts of it.

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