Chapter 1

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I calmed my nerves. My finger is on the trigger. I timed my breathing with
1,2, and 3--
"Headshot." My M24 recoiled to the pull of the of my finger on the trigger.
The smell of gunpowder somehow made my headshot so rewarding. My sniper session is over. I do this at least 3 hours every weekend. I wake up at 4 am and proceed to our local gun shop. I usually finish up by 7 30. Usually gun shops don't open this early in the morning but my Uncle Gary is good friends with the Mr. Hayha, the shop owner, so he gave me a spare key to his target practice area. It is common for snipers to lie on their stomach while aiming, but for me I find it uncomfortable. I prefer sitting with my leg's crossed.

"Hey dante you finished yet?" Uncle Gary was standing by the door. I nodded in reply.
"Uh-huh just gonna clean things up and go." I stood up, picked up the used bullets and went returned my M24 back in its case.
"It's unusual for you to be here uncle gary. Did anything happen?" I asked.
"We should talk." He replied with a straight face. Uncle gary always smiles, to me at least, but this time he didn't.
"Should I be worried?"
"Lets talk over breakfast."

We went to our usual diner. Sat at our usual counter and ordered some food.

"So? What's it about?" I asked.
"It's about your parents." I was confused. I didn't have the chance meet my parents. Ever since I was born I was already with my uncle gary's. Of course I asked where my real parents were and why did they leave me and his answer was they died doing their job. Ever since that, to show respect I never asked about my parents whereabouts ever again. And him having news about my parents shocked me.
"What do you mean uncle?"
"Your parents are in trouble and they need our help"
"But uncle my parents are 'dead'. They died in an accident when they were researching about the wildlife in the amazon right?"
"Dante your 16 now. I think you're old enough to know the truth."
"What do you mean the truth? Are my parents alive?"
"You're parents are alive. The truth is the reason why they left you with me is because they were in debt with someone, and ever since then they've been on a run they didn't want you to have a life of always on the run. It was their idea not to say anything about it you. This morning they contacted me and said they need money or else they'll die."
"Woah woah woah. They lied to me and then they're asking for money? Didn't they forget they left their son with a bachelor? Are you sure you're not being scammed by some con artist?"
"Their situation is serious right now. It was your dad that called this morning and they need the money fast."
"Look uncle, I get it you know. They did it for me. They lied for my own sake. How much exactly did they ask?"
"What the fuck!?"
"Hey, language."
"Sorry. What did they do to get that kind of big of a debt? And where the hell would we even get the money? We don't have that kind of riches."
"Remember when I told you your parents where researchers and were researching about the wildlife in amazon? And died in an accident there?"
"Yes and yes."
"Partly it was true. You see they were in the amazon searching for a treasure for a rich bussinessman.
However after recieveing the money from the client after they found the treasure and delivered it to their client. The treasure disappeared. Their client thought that your parents ripped him off, so he ordered his man to find the two of them. Your parents didnt know what happened to the treasure and were shocked when they were being chased. The businessman was angered because he felt belittled so he took the money back from them and forced them to pay 10,000,000. But your parents didnnt do anything wrong but they can't do anything against the powerful businessman so all they did was ran away after being confronted."
"What did my parents do for a living exactly?"
"They were treasure hunters; bounty hunters; adventurers, whatever you wanna call them but they are commonly known as hunters. They are either hired by rich people to find them treasures in exchange for a big heap of money or sometimes they embark on an adventure discovering treasures and finding undiscovered animals, places, and treasures."
From not knowing anything about my parents to knowing a big new world real quick. It was too much to handle but I felt excited about this. The adenaline rushing inside as I imagine their adventures.
"Uhmm one thing, 'Where' do we get that kind of money?" He reached out a card from his pocket and put it on the table.
"This is our ticket. Its a contest. Its being held by a group of rich people."
"What is it exactly?"
"Its a survival game. All we need to do is survive for 1 month in an island and we get to have a 5 million dollars afterwards."
"Sounds easy. But is that all? And isn't the money not enough for the debt?"
"There's more. There'll be 15 pairs. We just need to survive and get atleast one treasure. There'll be 10 treasures that are almost impossible to acquire each treasure is 5,000,000 million each. In other words no treasure in 1 month, no money."
"Isn't it a bit dangerous? And what about school?"
"Killing is not allowed that's what they said."
"Hmmm, sounds suspicious but good enough. So when will it be?"
"Let's do this pops."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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