Q&A- Friday the 13th Edition

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josh or ty

Idk, I love them both so much.

How's you first get into the Emo world?

My dad got me in to Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Panic! At the Disco, and Blink 182 when I was like 8 or 9 and my sister got me in to Fall Out Boy.

How did you get this Idea?

I just thought, I like zodiac books so maybe others will too.

Does Bruno Mars is gay?????


Hamilton or nah?

Never seen it... want to, though.

Um....................r u a ghost that likes candy? Or are you a candy that's a ghost?

Actually Ghost Candy is my killjoy name, but between the two... both.

On a scale of one to pizza is life, how much do u like phan?

pizza is life - 0.0000000001= my love of phan

Ryden or Brallon?
Ryan Ross or Brendon Urie?

Breadbin Urie
Fever Era

Do you like musical theatre? If so what's your favourite musical? And have you been in any performances?

I love musical theatre.
My school's rendition of "Newsies" in 5th grade.

What do you look like?

This is an old one but it's one of my favorites cuz I'm ugly af

This is an old one but it's one of my favorites cuz I'm ugly af

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What's your sexuality?

Confused. Not straight though.

A/N: thank you guys for the questions! Ttfn.

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