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A rather tall man was walking thorugh the crowd of criminals, unfazed by the thought of them wanting him dead, since killing another criminal down here means earning respect, as long as the murdered isn't a Prying Eye, since killing one of those is pretty much a death wish.

What made the whole place emit a creepy aura included many factors, maybe it was the questionable acent of drugs, alcohol, blood, and maybe cooked human flesh, but what really made it have its looks, was the fact that every criminal here wore a mask, or covered their face in some way or another, and since exposing anyone's real identity is so difficult, it earns respect amongst the criminals, along with power. He pushed through some men in a narrow passageway that led to a rather large clearing, it was much less crowded than the previous area, and there was a reason. The shops here belonged to some of the most powerful men in the whole Underground, and they cost alot of money, even for a rented kidnapper, though he knew that the man who he was looking for didn't want money, but favors, any kind of favor, he knew that since he was one of the most twisted people here, with his amount of power.

He then saught the shop he was looking for, a tech shop, but he wasn't looking for technology, but for information. He walked in, immediately noticing the scent of burnt wires and plastic, was he making bombs down here? Who cares? He went to the counter and saw a service bell, it read "Press for Love" he didn't necessarily want to press the bell after reading that, though not seeing the man here, he sighed to himself, seeing that this was the only way, and rang it.
A man in a grey electric mask with huge glasses built in walked close, he had black messy hair and small eyes, looking to be Asian, it wasn't too impossible, the man was known for his use of technology, and some people say that he used to work in the Japanese military technology labs, but had left the work there since his work 'wasn't appreciated enough', and started working on torture devices and hacking information once he got here, though the man himself never admitted a thing.
"Ah, Neo!" The man greeted. "I see that you rang the bell, do you happen to want some lo-"
Neo immediately cut him off, not wanting to engage in THAT type of conversation.
"I want information, Techno, nothing more."
His look was cold, as his revenge would be, he had been planning for it all along, since he went down here.
The man seemed to be grinning.
"Oh well, guess I'll start right away."
Techno then pulled out a laptop, it looked odd, definitely not a normal laptop, he probably used it for hacking.
"What or who do you want information on?"
"I want information about Green's death."
Techno glanced up at Neo and then back at his laptop.
"I can't exactly give you information on that type of subjects, Neo, not so easily when he's a customer of mine, I got paid to protect his information."
"Then how much would I pay you for that information?"
Techno chuckled, and then looked at Neo in the eye.
"You don't, it's how it works, if I get paid to protec-"
"Well the man is dead, you should be able to give me this information!"
He slammed his hands on the table, shaking the mug of coffee that rested near Techno's elbow.
Techno narrowed his eyes, holding back his anger, before sighing and looking at Neo.
"Whether he's dead or not, I can't giv-"
"I'll pay-"
"And you should stop cutting me off, kid, I will NOT reveal this information."
Neo was about to punch the man square in the face, but noticed a few men staring from around the place, guards, they would kill him if he did, so he sighed and looked back at the man.
"He was my father, I want to seek for enough information to kill his murderer."
Techno tilted his head at Neo and then gave him an uninterested look, no believing him.
"Nice story, kiddo, but you got no proof."
"I do have proof."
"Then show me."
Techno looked at Neo, resting his head on his hand and putting his elbow on the table.
Neo put one of his hands in his large coat, and pulled out a silver necklace, with a green sparkling piece of emerald attached to the end, with two silver strings going around the gem. Techno was certainly sure that such a possession wouldn't even be with anyone who wasn't so close to Green, he nodded.
"Green's necklace was so dear to him, nobody is able to get it from him, unless you're this close to him."
He opened up a shady site on his laptop.
"Though I'm sorry to say that there is no information available on the killer, only a recording."
"Then show me."
Teckno shrugged.
"Very well, though I don't think that it would be too useful."
Techno turned the laptop to Neo's direction, showing him a recording from a surveillance camera, his father was walking down an alleyway, it was mostly dark and hard to see, but he could see the outline of him, and someone behind him.... It was a short person, nothing of their features could be seen apart from deep blue eyes that shone in the darkness, the rest of their face and hair were hidden by the hood around their head and the bandanna around their mouth and nose. His eyes widened as the person suddenly rushed to his father, getting him to turn around, his throat was slit, and the person ran away. Neo balled his hands into fists in rage, with his knuckles turning white.
"As I said, nothing useful."
Techno looked at him.
"There WAS something useful."
"Hm, and what would that be?"
"Blue eyes."
"You're going to pursue your father's killer just by this little detail?"
"Whatever it takes to kill them, I WILL kill that dwarf."
He growled, before turning around to walk away, not even paying for the service, though Techno let him go, as he watched him walk away into the passageway, he smiled a bit, seeing that this was an intresting project..

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