Chapter One - The Scarred girl

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Alysa was slumped on the dusty couch that rested in the middle of the old apartment that she called home, staring at the roof, swimming in her own thoughts and memories. A dark grey bandanna was in her hand, and the zipper on her jacket was undid, leaving one side of her jacket hanging on the couch and revealing the white shirt beneath it, the hood of her jacket was down, revealing her short fluffy tawny brown hair, that was cut unevenly on many sides.
She was staring at the tattered ceiling, it was barely holding up at this point, she was sure of the fact that it would drip water if it rained.
"I could have stayed and faced the consequences of my actions, but..."
She remembered that chaotic night, the night she had ran away from the camp.
"I don't really think that it would have been any better."
She imagined all the different outcomes, if she had stayed outside all along, she could have ended up in prison, an insane asylum, or worse. Though, she would have at least had some food, or drink, or some sort of entertainment, though she ran away with nothing but a pocket knife and her current clothes, she didn't even have the time to get anything, if she hadn't ran away right then, she would have been at court right now, and would had troubled her parents more than she already did.

Being alone, with no one to interact with, and nothing to do, it would certainly mess with one's mind, driving them to insanity, in most cases, when their minds make up someone to talk to, as they deny the fact that they are all alone, though in this girl's case, she had already lost a huge part of her sanity, without even knowing.
It had been around three days since the day of the incident, and since then, she had felt somewhat... Incomplete, like something was missing, but never knew what it was, until she realized the strange, happy, satisfying feeling when she remembered the images from a gore sight, and the look on Angilica's face right before she died, the faces of pain and misery, she didn't understand that, and denied it, as that couldn't be possible, she couldn't be a sadist... Right?

Later that night, as she was sleeping, some noise outside had woke her up, so she walked to the window and took a look, there was a police car outside, and to her dismay, she heard police outside, they were coming for her, as she had ran away from too recently, around two days ago. She immediately got her pocket knife and ran straight out of the apartment and to the stairs that led to the roofs, since the police were downstairs. Upon reaching the roofs, she didn't see a place to go, apart from the nearby building, it was at the same hight, and was a bit far away. She was sure of the fact that she can make it with a jump, but wasn't sure of the fact that she can do it in her current state, she could run fast, but didn't know if she could make the jump. Alysa didn't have much of a choice when she heard the police going inside, so she took a few steps back and started running, before using the ledge and jumping into the air, pushing herself towards off the building and towards the other, it all went so fast, as she lost her balance upon landing, but realized that she did make it to the other side.
She would have stayed in the small, quiet area, but knew that she can't, so she immediately ran off to the rusty emergency stairs, and began to make her way down to a dark alleyway, knowing that the police might find her soon, and that thought kept her running, she wasn't willing to come back to her old life, to bring shame to her parents and to her own self.
There were police around the place, so she knew that her best option was to head to the woods and hide there until the police leave that area, before coming back. So she made her way, sprinting, to the nearby woods, there was no road to help police cars, and no light apart from moonlight, it was hard to see, due to the shade of trees over the forest floor, but it was still possible to see, so she kept going. She slowed down after a while, realizing that the police won't come here, and that the place was awfully quiet, and more moonlit than the previous parts she's been to, so she guessed that she was in the heart of the woods, where trees were much taller, and their branches were much less tangled together, it would certainly be rather easy to climb up there and jump from one branch to another, and with some training, this would be a great escape technique.

She couldn't help but relax at last, feeling the tranquility of the woods around her, it certainly was soothing after the events of the past few days, even the angry and guilty thoughts didn't seem to be able to catch up to her here. She then took a deep breath, taking in the fresh air that smelled of plants and mud, it certainly was so relaxing, so much that Alysa smiled a bit, looking at the beautiful scenery.
"It's so.. Calm here..."
She walked for a bit more, before finding a lake that had crystal clear waters that reflected the starry sky on its surface, it looked wonderful. Alysa walked to it, slowly, and sat down next to the lake, before putting her right hand in the cold water, moving it from left to right before taking it back and looking around again. She then stood up and took a seat on the root of one of the trees, and looked up to the starry sky, and closed her eyes slowly, allowing herself to sleep.

Not more than two hours pass before she wakes again, tired still, but much better than before for sure. She looked up at the sky, not sure of the time, before deciding to head back to the area of abandoned buildings, but just as she started walking away, she had an idea, though she couldn't do it now, she'll have to wait for a bit before doing it. As she walked back to the city, she had realized that she hadn't arrived to the same area that she came from, but it was obvious that the police had just left, so that was good, she didn't have a problem with staying in another building, as she had nothing more to lose, after all.

She walked to an old abandoned building, wishing to find shelter there from the cold. Not eating or sleeping much caused her to get cold too easily, that was why she always had her jacket on since she ran off, it eased that problem, though with the bloody jacket on her skin, she really needed to wash it once she could, even though it was grey, she didn't want it to stink in the end.
She then walked inside and looked around, she heard dripping, it must mean that there was some water there, right?..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2018 ⏰

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