P.S. I Love You

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Agh "Mum I'm up relax, your voice is soo annoying!" I yelled at my mother. I woke up and went to my bathroom to take a quick shower, even though I think showers are a waste of time. I rushed out of my shower to grab a towel and wrap it around me quick because it was freezing, even though we live in Australia it's not all boiling hot weather and we DO NOT ride a kangaroo to school just saying. After I dried my self I picked out what I was going to wear today, I finally chose black skinny jeans, white crop top and a Kharki jacket and my white converse. After I got dressed I put my hair in a high pony tail and applied mascara, eye shadow and lip gloss. I never put too much make-up because I didn't need it like some girls did but I'm just lucky. After I was done I ran downstairs to get breakfast.

"Hey" my brother said his name is Christian, he's tall 6'4 with blonde hair and dark brown eyes. "Hey, what r u doing?" I ask him. "I'm just finishing of some homework that I didn't do last night" he said. "Well that about sounds right" I laughed. "Shut up, aren't you going to be late anyway" he said. "I'm leaving now, calm your farm" I sarcastically said to my brother. After that I grabbed a banana and made my way out to my amazing new car I just got for my early birthday present!

Oh by the way my names Helen Moonly but everyone calls me Tori, and I'm half Greek and Italian. I'm 5"9 pretty tall compared to other girls but oh well and I have long light brown hair, dark brown eyes (some people say my eyes look black). I'm 17 years old turning 18 on the 20th of January. My best friends are Cate, Olivia, Vanessjah and Eloise. Well that pretty much sums up my life.

After I get in my car I drive to school, I go to St Ursula's High School. Agh it's Monday I HATE Mondays with a passion. Anyway it takes 15 min to get to school, I parked at the end of the car park because well I don't want to start a fight with the 'popular people' who reserve the best parking spots, but don't get me wrong I'm not scared of them, just couldn't be bothered to start arguing with them. I walk to my locker and see my friends waiting there for me Cate, Liv, Eloise and Jah Jah (Vanessjah). I don't really have much guy friends.

They all greet me hello, not looking happy for school like always but Cate as usual is hypo. Cate is the really loud one in our group but I guess we all kind of are, Cate's got short blonde hair with bluey grey eyes and is 6'2 she's tall I know. "Heyy" I say back to them. "Soo how was dancing with Riley?" Liv asks me. "Well it was good and I don't care about him that way where just friends I told u guys" I said. "Yeah sure sure" Liv said. Agh I seriously couldn't be bothered to say anything so I just got my books for my classes today. I started walking with all of my friends and chatting about well actually I have no idea we talk about the most random stuff.

After Home room I went to my first class, math Agh I hate math but it's kinda easy, but I always seem to fail. I'm first to walk into the classroom like usual, I take my normal seat at the front. After getting prepared everyone comes in including my other best friend Jessica, shortly after the teacher comes in. "Everyone quiet down, today we will be learning algebra" the teacher said and the whole class groaned, me and jess don't mind algebra so we just watched the whole class whine and complain, which is amusing to us. After about 10 minutes a group of guys that usually arrive late come in, I never pay attention to them though so I just continue on with completing the question the teacher put up on the board for us to complete. "Good morning Nathan, have a seat next to Helen". I look up when I hear my name, wondering why he called me, I see the one of the guys who arrived late coming towards me. What the hell does he want? I ask myself in my head. He takes the empty seat next to me while I return my attention back to answering the question I was working on. "Hey Beautiful" I hear someone say, I looked around and turned to my left to see the mysterious guy staring at me. Then, I realise he's talking to me. What did I do this time? Maybe he just wants to borrow a pencil, yeah that must be it.

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