Chapter 9

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I lie here at 3 a.m. wide awake scared of falling back asleep and having another nightmare. I feel like these nightmares will never go away and I will never have a peacful sleep. His heavy footsteps will haunt me the rest of my life. His words will always ring through my head you're a worthless piece of shit, you are a mistake, you don't belong here, this world would be a better place without you in it, ect.

I sighed pushing the covers off me and trudging over to Jake's room. I lightly knocked on the door peeking my head in to see Jake slowly sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

I walked over standing beside his bead before whispering "I-I had a nightmare."

Jake looked at me with kind eyes stretching out his arms motioning for me to hug him.

I crawled onto the Bed sitting on his lap wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his shoulder. Soon enough sleep washed over me and I feel asleep -feeling safe- in Jake's arms.


I shifted in the bed opening one eye only to find Jake wasn't beside me. Slowly sitting up my eyes searched the room. Nothing.

I got out of the bed walking over to the bathroom that was connected to Jake's room and opened the cabinet pulling out some band-aids for my cuts. I rolled up my sleeves putting on the first band-aid as the door creaked open.

Of fucking course I forgot to lock the door. There stood Jake. Shirtless might I add. I quickly pulled my sleeves down praying he hadn't seen. He walked up to me looking me in the eyes.

"Arianna? What are the band-aids for?" He said sternly.

"Nothing?" I said but it came out as more of a question.

He grabbed my wrist causing me to hiss as pain shot through my arm. When he pulled up the sleeves and saw the fresh cuts his eyes widened and his mouth hung open. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Why the fuck would you do this shit Arianna?" He sounded pissed.

I didn't answer.

"Arianna" He said though gritted teeth.

"Why did you leave me Jake?" I whispered as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"At school? I don't know, I just-"

"You didn't want to ruin your bad boy reputation?"

"Arianna you are really starting to make me mad" He hissed.

"I did this because I deserve it okay. I have a headache so I am going back to bed" I get up to leave but his arm wrapped around my waist.

"You don't deserve this princess don't say that"

I walked to the door stopping when I stepped outside and turning to face him.

"Thank you, for saving me." And with that I walked back to my room.


sorry for such a short chapter I just really wanted to get an update in:)

~Khloe Xx

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