1 -Beyond the Walls-

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Title: Beyond the Walls
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Content: Fluff
Summary: The titans are gone and Levi accompanies his girlfriend on a journey to the ocean, but for him, it's not as fun as it's been talked up to be.
(Bad summary I know)

The sun was hardly peaking over the horizon when you started your journey, much to your partner's dismay. It was hard enough to get him to go on the trip- Levi had no particular interest in hoping to see the ocean after defeating the Titans. Once Armin told you about it, back when humanity was still trapped within the three walls, you knew you had to see it for yourself. Unfortunately for Levi, loving you included following you on this crazy endeavor.

You reached a hand up and rubbed your eye sleepily, involuntarily letting out a small moan-like noise. Your companion turned his head and raised an eyebrow you, looking slightly more tired than usual. Through a yawn, you instantly told him, "Don't be a pervert."

"We didn't have to leave at the crack of dawn, you know," he murmured grumpily, hunching his shoulders slightly like a pouting child. You shook your head and stroked the mane of your horse gently before nudging it with your heel, instructing her to move ahead and match pace with Levi's horse.

"Can't you smell the salt in the air? We're getting close. I just know it."

As if he was humoring you, Levi took a whiff of the air and turned to you after a moment. "Or maybe you have no idea what you're talking about and we're completely lost."

You chuckled, smiling peacefully. "Yeah, that's a possibility, too."

Your gaze returned to the early morning haze in front of you, but Levi kept his on you. It was a little strange, seeing you on a horse, beyond the walls, and at peace. His mind still had images of you bent down close to the neck of your horse, hair pulled back tightly (and irritatingly sloppy) and fierce determination etched across your features. He was used to you clad in your uniform with your green cape billowing behind you as the two of you raced alongside the others at top speeds. Now, seeing you with your hair down, back straight, and in typical citizen's clothes (male citizen's clothes, he might add- you refused to wear a dress after spending years in the military), it was almost sort of jarring. Before he could get caught and suffer through your mockery, he turned his head to pry his eyes away from you.

After a while, Levi lifted his head, stopping you mid-sentence. "What is it?" You asked curiously.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust. "It does smell like salt...and fish."

Excitedly, you pressed your heels against your horse and laughed as she sped up, leaving Levi in the dust. Literally. He put an arm up to shield his eyes, coughing slightly. When he put his arm down, you were already disappearing down the hill. He sighed and ordered his horse to follow you.

At the top of the hill, he had to stop and shield his eyes. A large, sparkling body of water reflected the sun as it slowly rose above the surface. A loud crashing sound drowned out everything else, aside from your joyous laughter.

"Levi! Look at how pretty it is!" You shouted. He could vaguely see your jumping silhouette, resembling Hanji around the Titans.

"I can't see a damn thing," he muttered as he led the horse down the grassy hillside. His eyes slowly adjusted once he reached the bottom, jumping off of his horse. His boots unexpectedly sank in the ground, making him look down in surprise.

You appeared in front of him, a bright smile on your face. "Take off your shoes, Levi! The sand feels great between your toes."

You had a childlike wonder about you as you ran back to the water, but it was hard for Levi to enjoy when it felt like the ground was swallowing his feet. He attempted to walk further out towards the water, stopping midway and watching you splash in the water. How long are we going to stay here? He complained mentally, taking a seat where he was standing.

You continued jumping around in the water, laughing and having the time of your life. Levi watched you, occasionally looking behind him as if he were being watched. Obviously, there were no titans around, but it still made him feel a little uneasy to be outside the walls, especially with no gear on.

How were you so relaxed? He knew that the titans put you through hell, just like they did to everybody. Subconsciously, Levi's hand clenched around the sand. He could spend the day thinking about titans, all the lives they took, all the trouble and pain they caused, or he could focus on what was in front of him. A titan free world, a sparkling ocean, and a laughing...you.

It was all too good to be true.

You turned your head, your hair now clinging limply to your face. "Come on in!" You called. He simply waved his hand, brushing away your offer. Furrowing your eyebrows, you added, "At least get your feet wet!"

I took a few minutes of coaxing, but you finally got Levi to take off his shoes and trudge over to water's edge. He flinched at the water the first time it ran over his toes, but slowly he waded a little deeper once he got used to it.

"What's so great about this, again?" He asked. You, now a few feet in front of him, simply turned around and gave him a wink.

"Maybe if you come in a little further, you'd find out."

He knew you were up to something, and you knew he knew that. Cautiously, he abandoned his suspicion and made his way over to you. The waves were about hip deep, and you could tell his wet pants were already getting on his nerves.

"Okay, I'm out here." You smiled and moved your face closer to his before gently placing a kiss on his lips. Like you knew he would, he returned it just as softly.

You leaned back, only inches away from him with a smile on your face. Toying with his fingers after you grabbed it, you told him in a hushed voice, "Did I mention this might only be great for me?"

His slightly softened gaze instantly hardened. "Of fucking cour-"

With a firm tug on his hand, you pulled him in the water.


Levi packed away the food and made his way over to you. You were sitting in the middle of the beach, watching the waves reflect the moonlight. Your hair was hard after drying, but that didn't matter. You just wanted to watch the water.

When Levi sat next to you, you moved as close to him as you could, leaning on his chest. Both of you were tired- half the day was spent running from Levi, who was determined to dunk you in the water like you did to him. Before long, the two of you were lying down, eyes on the stars.

"You know, there's a perfectly good camp a few feet back," he suggested in a tired murmur.

"Aw, what? You don't like the sand?"

"No. And if I did, there's more than enough hiding in every crevice of my body."

You hummed in response, waiting a moment before speaking up again. "Hey, Levi?"


"Are you being grumpy because you're out in the open? Are you afraid a titan's going to come out of nowhere?" You asked, adjusting yourself so you could easily nuzzle into his neck. Levi was silent, and you thought for sure you figured him out.

"Nah," he answered, wrapping his arm tighter around your waist. "I just really hate the damn ocean."

You smiled and put a hand on his chest, closing your eyes. Being pushed around by the waves all day really wore you out. "But we can stay here another day or two, right?"

Sleep started to surround your mind, the soothing feel of Levi's thumb gently rubbing your side urging it on. Still, you could hear his small, nearly silent chuckle. "Yeah," he agreed 'reluctantly,' looking down at you curled up on his chest fondly. "We can stay here as long as you'd like."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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