Chapter 1: Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal

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Merry Christmas, Ya Filthy Animal

"I'm only letting everyone have two drinks; I don't need any nonsense happening all over my carpet. Feel free to pass it on to everyone else, alright?" My friend tells me as she gives me a glass of water, wiping the bar counter for the seventh time.

Emme Thompson was very, very determined to keep her new apartment clean, and I honestly applaud her for doing so. After all, she paid good money for the place and the carpet is certainly very nice.

"I'll make sure to do that," I chuckle, taking a sip of my water and walking back to the living room.

Emme's Christmas party had only begun within the last half hour but there was a decent amount of people already here, and since she's busy being the bartender and hostess for the evening, I'm making rounds to everyone, being the social butterfly in her place, so-to-speak. Harry was helping his lovely lass behind the counter, as good boyfriends do, and managed to sneak a smooch or two. He's quite the social butterfly but he's keeping himself plenty entertained, I'm sure.
Before I continue, let me give you a little bit about the couple having this little get-together. Emme's a long-time friend of mine and native to Brooklyn, New York, which is incredibly evident in her accent and blunt manner of speaking. She's also an amazing dancer and choreographer working in Manhattan whom I managed to meet whilst catching a cab a few years back. Harry's a Brit I've help write songs for and just so happens to be releasing a film this coming summer. I, as an actress myself, am intrigued to see how he does in such a role. These two met when they were teenagers during summer vacation and managed to keep up with one another on-and-off until their early twenties. During one of her dance competitions in Amsterdam, they reunited and things changed pretty quickly between them. I couldn't imagine a better matched couple, if I do say so myself.

"Okay, so Emme's limiting ev'ryone t' two drinks tonight, alright?" I tell the group I'm chatting with. A few of them act dramatically disappointed but the majority don't seem to care either way; they're all adults who know how to handle themselves.
"Nothin' for you, Miss Desiree?" Asks one of our friends, Ed, while sipping a whisky on ice.
"Yeah, I'm gonna hold off on the drinks for a while." I reply. "Messes wit' my stomach,"
"Can't hold your liquor?" He continues, a sly grin on his face.
"I can hold my liquor, I assure you." I laugh. "I am a Scot, after all. I'm just doin' somethin' different 'nd 'ts not agreeing with me too nicely."
"Can I take your two drinks then?" Zach, another dear friend, interjects. Zach Braff's known to be one of the funny lads in our group, as evident by just about everyone sharing a laugh after his remark.
"Oh, I don't think Misses Emme would like that." I shake my head, nudging his shoulder all in good fun. We look to the hostess herself and she gives a 'I'm not playing' sort of look and we understand her very clearly. Emme's a beauty but plenty strong willed, that's been made clear.

The conversation roared about the room as more and more people arrived, and the atmosphere was extraordinary. I reunited with friends I hadn't seen in a good while and met some new faces as well, all of which happened to be a great time themselves. Emme was eventually able to leave the bar to join in the fun and was a star amongst us all, a winning smile and wit that could claim any heart in the room. Only one heart mattered to her, of course, and the two kept their eyes on one another with a comfortable glance here and there. Watching the pair was a vision itself.
As the door opened again, I sneak a look to see who it may be. The room was filling but certainly room for a few more to enjoy the good company. In comes a black coat and flat cap with a prettily-wrapped box, and I've managed to mentally narrow down the guestlist enough to figure out who they may be. A few friends follow suit behind him, one holding a decorative bag and the other a bottle of what I assume is wine or champagne. I'm tempted to get up and greet them, but Emme and Harry are far ahead of me. They're clearly very good hosts.
I return to the chatter, which has now become centered around what movie was best to watch during the holidays, but manage a look or two to the newcomers. Emme pours three glasses of Guinness for them and they thank her with nods and smiles, as well as the gifts they brought. This is a Christmas party, after all. One lad looks over to us, and our eyes meet. I give him a brief smile and continue my conversation, asking if he's the man I assume he is. Once that's confirmed, I look back to him and he's started making his way over to us. He has a soft face, with stubble about his chin and blue eyes, and a nice smile. As he made his way over, he lost the grip on his glass and everything went by so slowly after that.
The glass tipped, its contents falling over and out, and I stood up suddenly, which ended up being the ultimate mistake in that moment. Within thirty seconds, my jeans―white jeans, mind you―were covered in the darkest Guinness I'd ever seen. Everyone either sat or stood in silence, and all waited for my response. The poor lad looked like he'd just hit someone with a car or something so he seemed plenty apologetic. So, with a short laugh, I say something of good humor.

"Well, that's what I get for wearing white after Labor Day, right?"

Laughter quickly came and a sigh of relief for the culprit, and I place my hand on his shoulder to assure him that it was alright. No point in rashing out at the lad if it wasn't intentional.

"Emme, do you have an extra pair by chance?"
"You're a giraffe so I doubt we're the same size," she responds in her usual way, then smiles, walking over to take me to find something suitable. "But I'll see what I can do."
"Niall, is it?" I ask before we leave, he nodding in response. "Don't worry about it, alright? They're pants; nothing a good wash can't fix,"

Once in her bedroom, which was wonderfully decorated I might add, she went to her closet and tried to find something suitable. In the meantime, I sat on her bed and looked at the amazing view of the city. Thanks to some connections, we both managed to find some good places to live while here. One thing's for sure, this girl's worked her entire life to get to this point and I couldn't be happier for her. Plus it's nice to not always be the one called about to hold the New York parties. Having to buy liquor so often gets costly and I can only explain to my neighbors why I play so much James Bay and Hozier so many times, ya know?

"You surprise me, Des." Emme says, head deep in the closet.
"How so?" I chuckle, glancing to her.
"You were so sweet to Niall just then; I don't see that side of you very often." She comes out with a smile on her face, as well as a sequined skirt with leggings. "This should be good."
"He didn't do it on purpose so no sense in yellin' at him, is there?" I take the clothes from her and make my way to her bathroom to change.
"I'm just sayin', that's probably one of the best first impressions I've ever seen you make, and I've seen a good share of 'em."
"Yeah, alright." I roll my eyes as I shimmy into the skirt. It fits fine despite it being not something I'd usually wear, but clothes are clothes. "Do I look half-decent?"
"Yes, Des, you look more than decent." Emme laughs. "Skirts suit you."
"T'at is not changing my mind on the subject." I shake my head. "So, ready to join the rest of the world?"

°o.O . O.o°

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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