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"RoRo what u want to eat?" I asked my 2year old daughter as I drove down the dark road.

It was 11:00 at night and she was hungry.

But I'll do anything for my little princess.

"Daddy we go to play place?" She asked.

The only play place there is that's open this time of night is McDonald's.

"Okay McDonald's it is." I said turning down the alley, it was the fastest way there.

"Look daddy, it a girl." RoRo pointed out.

I scrunched my face up in confusion. "Where do you see someon-Oh shit!"
I slammed the brakes.

"Please! Help me!"
(Sorry but I don't really feel like going through what happened between them right now :/)
"So basically your mom let your stepdad beat you?" I questioned.

"Basically." She said barley above a whisper.

"Hey don't be sad, everything will work out." I said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Daddy! Daddy watch me go down slide!" I heard Royalty yell from the slide.

"Okay!" I yelled to her.
She slid down the slide and a few moments later I saw her little feet come down.

"Did you see me daddy!?"  She yelled with excitement.

"Yeah I did! Your such a big girl." I said walking over to her picking her up.

"But it's time to go now baby girl." I said.

She stuck her bottom lip out and her nose turned red.

"But I no want leave daddy, I want to stay and go down slide." She said as a small tear slid down her face.

I placed her back on her feet. "We can come back tomorrow after school alright? No need to cry."

She nodded her head.

"Okay now go put on your shoes so we can go." I said pointing at the shoe cubbies.

When I turned back around I found nique sound asleep.

I smiled a little.

"Nique,come on it's time to go." I shook her arm a little.

She slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

"What time is it?" She asked.

I took my phone out my pocket and checked the time.

The time read '12:15am'.

"12:15am, why?" I questioned as royalty ran over to us.

"No reason just asking." She said rubbing her eyes.

I nodded. "Okay you guys ready to go home?" I asked.

"Yes." RoRo answered.

Nique nodded her head.

"Aight let's roll." I said throwing the keys in the air.

"So what does Nique stand for?" I asked Nique as we pulled into the driveway of the house.

"Dominique but I prefer nique." She said barely above a whisper.

I nodded. "You don't speak much do you?" I questioned as I shut off the car.

"No not really, not unless I'm being spoken to. And when I do so I speak very low. It's something I've always done since my dad died." She looked down a played with her fingers.

I watched a small tear roll down her cheek. She quickly wiped it as if she was angry it had came down to begin with.

"Can we go in now I'm sort of tired." Nique asked as she took off her seatbelt.

"Yeah." I took off my seatbelt and got out the front seat,moving towards the back to get Ro from her car seat.

She was sound asleep. Thank God!

I shut the door and locked that car.

I made my way up the few steps outside my front door and unlocked it.

I let nique go in head of me,and I shut the door behind us.

We removed our shoes at the door and I led nique to the living room.

"You can wait here until I come back,Alright?" She nodded her head and sat back on the couch.

I walked upstairs and into Royalty's room.

I laid her in her bed and took off and.her shoes and socks.

I changed her into her pajamas.

I kissed her forehead and closed the door as I walked out.

When I got back downstairs,I noticed nique had fallen asleep.

I quietly walked over and picked her up bridal style and took her to the guest room.

I laid her on the bed and removed her glasses,sweater and I placed her bag in the closet.

I slowly backed out the room and closed the door.

I walked into my room and took off my shirt and pants.

I laid in my bed and fell asleep.

What a night...

Omfg, I'm so sorry it took so long guys, I was just being lazy honestly 😂 but I'll be back to updating more often.
Alright guys comment what you think😉
Love you guys bye😘


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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