prologue: the games

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Madge Undersee remembers the first time she watched The Games. She remembers so distinctly hearing a boy cry like a sorrowful songbird. Beautiful tears flowing freely as he prays for forgiveness and safety. Fourteen year old Finnick O'dair is terrifying in the next moment as he hops down from the tree and whispers an apology before stabbing the enemy with a beautiful weapon. She remembers how all the adults cheered as the boy committed his sixth atrocity of the night and Madge can't help but wonder if that would ever be here, whispering apologies before the Capitol forces her hand in the cat and mouse game that is life and death. 

That evening six year old Madge Undersee creeps into her mother's room where she does nothing but sit and stare at the ceiling. The occasionally cry spasming from her chest. She remembers asking her a question. The very same question causes yelling to erupt from the placid prison that is her body. She didn't understand why her mother was so furious with her when the words seeped from her lips, "Mommy, will I be a tribute?"

Gale Hawthorne can't imagine a world without death waiting on every corner. He was simply just born into a high risk life style and none can fault him for when he goes along with his father on their hunting trips in the forbidden woods. Or when his father makes him promise not to work in the mines days before his death. Or when he sits in nothing but stony silence alone when one of his younger siblings gets sick and he fears the worst. Gale is a mere acquaintance of death who waves at him every so often from his doorstep. 

The Games were the furthest thing from his mind until he had to collect tesserae to keep his family alive or when he was herded to the arena so they could pick names. It was simply a fact of life for the boy that at any moment it would be his life on the line. He remembers so distinctly when his younger brother asked him a question that made him freeze completely. Gale's blood ran cold. He hadn't realized Rory had started watching the games. Or even took notice of the annual reaping. Gale cursed himself for not noticing as Rory, in his innocent and tiny voice whispered out, "Gale, will I ever get to be a tribute?"

Virginia Gardner as Madge Undersee

"This whole hiding thing you have going on is super reliable

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"This whole hiding thing you have going on is super reliable."

"We make a good team, Hawthorne."

"How dare you assume that just because I am incapable. Do not underestimate me."

Devery Jacobs as Katniss Everdeen.

Devery Jacobs as Katniss Everdeen

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