Did They Ever Care?

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It all started two weeks ago.
     I was walking home alone at night when I felt someone grab me.
Their hand over my mouth to stop the screaming and an arm around my chest to stop me from moving.
    I hissed as I felt a needle being pressed into my arm and a cold liquid started to flow through my veins.
   Almost immediately my body became dead weight. I couldn't move.
I tried to use my quirk.
I couldn't.
I flinched as I saw a hand come up to my face and trace my scare.
A shiver went up my spine as they spoke.
"You poor soul"
It's female.
"I was there"
.... what?
My body is effectively useless so she lets me fall to my knees and propped me up against a wall.
She comes around me and I finally see her.
"I was a servant in your house but then your father let me go after the incident"
She whispers while tracing my scar.
"I can't believe your life has gotten any better since then, has it?"
I'm scared.
This lady is definitely unstable.
She must have taken my shaking as a yes because she turns to hug my face to her chest as a mother does a child.
" it's ok, I'll fix it"
..... what?
" by killing you"
I start to struggle but because of the serum I can't really move.
My hearts beating faster and faster and I think I'm gonna have a panic attack.
"It's ok, I know you think no one cares about you. I'll put you to rest". She mummers into my hair.
Suddenly I attain the ability to speak.
"No!" I whisper but my words are slurred.
That must have peaked this woman's interest as she says "hmm?" Prompting me to continue speaking.
" a-at U.A, m-my friends t-they c-care ab-bout me"
Her arms tighten around me.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes" my voice leaving no room for hesitance.
"Bet your life on it?"
My heart sinks.
Do they actually care.... enough?
But I can't let this moment go.
She turns my head up snd I'm cradled in her arms.
"Don't lie to me Shoto, you don't sound like you meant it"
Her tone changed to something different.
Her eyes have psychotic glint.
My heart is beating so fast I feel like it's going to fly out of my chest or just give out.
"Yes. I'm sure"please believe me. Please...
She accepts it.
Oh thank god
" we'll see if your so sure by the end of the month"
She says with a smile on her face.
I feel her grip on me tightening by the second.
She lays me down on the ground and rain begins to fall.
As she stands to her full height she leaves me with one last bit of information.
"Oh and don't try to tell anyone about this, my quirk makes you unable to talk to to anyone about this conversation"
God, please help me.
As she disappears form my line of sight, I can't do anything but lay here on the cold ground as the rain proceeds bury me in its water.
After what feels like an eternity I begin to be able to feel and move my body again. It's midnight at this point.
I continue to walk home and sneak inside.
I go to sleep within minutes of collapsing on the bed.
The next week passes with nothing eventful.
I tried telling my father about what happened but nothing came out.
Seems like she wasn't lying.
I go on a date with Katsuki and I couldn't help but be anxious the entire time. Paranoid on what might happen.
After two weeks however, near the end of the month,
The Deadline,
Midoriya confronts me.
He corners me in one of the hallways of the dormitory one night.
"Shoto you've been acting really weird for the last two weeks, are you ok?"
The relieve that flooded through my body was euphoric.
I was beginning to actually believe that no one actually cares about me.
Then I panicked.
How do I tell Midoriya about the woman?!?
It must have shown on my face because he immediately asked
"There is something wrong isn't there!"
I couldn't nod my head.
I couldn't do anything.
I went stiff.
"Oh no, you can't tell me can you?"
I couldn't do anything.
I was imprisoned in my own body.
"I'll take that as a yes"
"Is someone targeting you?"
"Are they gonna kill you?"
"Male or female"
~~~A few more questions later~~
I don't understand why he keeps asking. I can't answer.
"Ok so what I'm getting is that this person is female, worked for your father, is trying to kill you as a form of...mercy?? Because she thinks no one cares about you. And the only way you can survive is if everyone notices something is wrong?"
"Ok so I'm right"
My confusion and awe must have been obvious because he proceeds to explain how he figured it out.
"Oh, ya tensed more when I asked the right question versus when I asked the wrong ones"
Unable to keep myself together, I rushed toward him and hugged him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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