Chapter fifteen

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We found and few cars but we didn't find anything useful so we took a break. Daryl was back and he acted like me without a mask was normal. Abraham had found booze but we all know that wasn't going to help any of us.

Then out of nowhere this pack of dogs came out and started to bark fiercely at us. Sasha shot them dead and as hungry as we were we cut them up and started to eat. We were to tired and starving to give a damn we all sat in silence. I sat next to Daryl who refused to look at me now. I guess he was the only one who found me to be repulsive. I didn't really care after almost everyone accepted me I know there was gonna be someone who didn't really like how I looked. So as fate would have it Daryl was the one who couldn't stand to look at me and I have to accept that.

After we ate we kept going we all were still tired and dehydrated. We just went along it would be dark soon. Then something surprising happened in the middle of the road we were following we found a lot of water with a note that read 'from a friend'. We all stopped and debated whether to drink or not. We were all freaked out this meant someone was watching us. I decided to put my mask on. I don't need someone freaking out over my face and trying to kill me. We decided not to drink any of the water and as luck would have it it started to rain, but our joy was short lived. We ended up hiding in a shed from the heavy rain. We were all on edge we were depressed and tired. I myself wish that this nightmare would end and I would wake up in my room away from people and away from all this shit. I know it's stupid if I want to be alone I should just leave but Carol's here and Carl and little Judy. They grew on me I can't just leave.

"It smells like shit in here," I muttered. "You got that right" Daryl said as he stood next to me. I looked that him then just walked away if I really did disgust him I want to keep my distance.  I felt his eyes on me as I walked to a corner and sat down. As we sat in the shed time crawled by at snails pace. Everyone chatted and Rick gave a story about how his grandfather got through war and how he would think he was die every day and got through it and that we should see ourselves as the walking dead and I think he's right. I've been surviving for a majority of my life I am the walking dead I was supposed to die with my sister and I was supposed to die when the incident happened and when shit hit the fan I'm a walking corpse that has some luck for getting through some of the shitest things.

"Hey ghost what's your real name I think we've earned the right to know what it is" Glenn asked and looked my way. I looked at him and everyone else they were waiting for my answer. I hesitated they are good people. "It's Alice, Alice James" I said and looked down. "Well Alice James it's nice to meet you" he said and reached over to shake my hand. I laughed and shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you too" I mumbled. "Why did you want us to call you ghost anyways" Glenn asked. Carol was about to stop the question but I felt like I should get it off my chest.

"I wanted to be called ghost 'cause that's what I am. I'm the one person here who's not supposed to be here. I was supposed to die with my sister and then when the incident happened and when the world went to shit. My sister died from a gunshot to the stomach and blood loss. She was raped and tortured then shot and left to die in the woods. The man who did it was after me but went for the easier target which so happened to be my sister. Then depression hit and I meet my ex boyfriend which led to this face and then shit hit the fan and I was just to scared of dying to let the walkers get me. So in turn I'm a ghost something that's there but you can't see." I said and everyone looked hurt and sympathetic. "Can we call you Alice now" Carl asked I chuckled and nodded. "Just not in front of new people ok" they all nodded. "About your ex why didn't you just leave him?" Maggie asked. "He made me feel pretty on occasion and he was charming, he said he loved me and he knew how to get under my skin and what to say to make me stay. I didn't realize until after the incident happened that he was full of crap. He abused me mentally physically and sexually and I didn't leave and no one came to save me. So here I am" I said and just stared at the small fire we had. Everyone was quiet for a while. "How did no one notice?" Daryl asked. "He avoided my face and me being embarrassed covered up no one ever knew I was good at faking that everything was alright and no one would ever notice unless you had gone through a fraction of what I went through" I said. They all looked at me with a look of dismay. "It fine it happened nothing can change it if I'm lucky I'll be able to see that asshole again as a walker and kill him or let him go on like that he doesn't deserve to Rest In Peace." I laughed in a monotone way. "You have literally gone to hell and back and you still keep going you deserve a reward and the best till you die" Abraham said seriously. "I don't deserve anything trust me" I said and they all went quiet then we all went Our separate ways to sleep.

Girl in the mask(A Daryl Dixon Love Story) (Under revision)Where stories live. Discover now