Life lesson

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Hey guys okay so I've learned something very important in these past couple months about life ,friendship,and most important about my two best friends in the whole wide world. So I hope that you enjoy I guess it's ok if u don't because I'm a nobody but let's get on with it.

Ok so I've learned that u need to appreciate and respect the friends you've got and also your family but well we r now talking about friends so ...

In the past couple of months I got my xbox360 and I was the happiest person on the planet and when I got online for the first time I joined a party with cagytree and blu crab well they were my two friends on Xbox and they r important but no important as the two girls that I'm about to mention they mean the world even thought we are ONLINE friends and we have never met in real life we've become pretty close in the time that I've known them.
So well let's start talking about seven well she does not want me to say her real name for pretecion reasons. Anyways she is the funniest , awsomest,funest,and she is a really good rpffiend and she knows how to cheer people up when they are feeling down and when she gets pissed at me I can sometimes make her laugh but she is the best and she means the world to me and if I lost her my heart would break she's kk,e a little sis to me and a great advice giver and she helps me through though time so yeah now moving on to Ashley.

Ashley as you guys well some of u may as well know we'll as Ashley freedom so make Sure to follow her

Ashley is the best and she knows how to make me And seven laugh until we cry of laughter 😂she is the bestest fried and she means the world to me if I lost her I donut know what I'd do . 😱Ashley is a great friend to everyone who she meats she is nice just don't go on her badside or else but we all love her .😈👿
She's had a rough life but she doesn't take it out on us well she shares her child hood which that makes seven leafs the party.
Ashley is the best and I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done,said to you.

I really hope that unguys like this thanks for being there for me girls😉

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2017 ⏰

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