All Fine

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"Okay, so Jackson was a lizard thing called a kanima and Lydia just magically saved him with her banshee powers?" a very confused Stiles asks.

"well....yeah sure, lets go with that." Scott replys.

"And our teacher was an evil witch and almost killed us?"

"Actually the correct term is Darach and its a bad druid."

" an evil witch."

"technically-" Scott starts but is cut off.

"Technically I'm right" Stiles says with a smile. For a second, Scott forgot about his amnesia.

After he came home clueless, Scott got Mr.Stilinskis permission to basically 'come out' to Stiles about being a werewolf.  Ironically, he took it very well.

Actually he was kinda jealous, but Scott told him all the stories of what they both have been through to bring him up to speed.

"Hey, um Scott. I have an odd question." Stiles asks.

"Yeah man, whats up? Ask me anything."

"Well, when I woke up, the second time,  there was this man in my room. Dark haired and he had a beard."

"Yeah, that's Derek."

"Thats what he said his name was...and he said something else."

"Well?  What was it?"

"See that's just the thing. I mean I know we are best buds and all but I dont know if you knew about this."

"Stiles," Scott said putting a hand on the boys shoulder, "I am your friend, I will always be here for you and you can tell me anything"

Stiles sighs.

"Well, this Derek guy really didn't tell me much, however he said.......we were boyfriends" Stiles mumbles the last part.

"What? Dont mumble." Scott said.

"He said he was my boy friend." Stiles said exasperated.

Scott sits up, and keeps his face clear of any emotion. However he seems to be staring off in space.

"Oh. Yeah....Um, I have to go home and do home work."

"Oh okay, will I see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah" Scott says running out the door. His eyes red and bloodshot with anger.

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