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It was June 21, and it was supposed to be one of those days when something unusual would happen, something scientifically special.
An astronomical event. A day when the sun would be at its highest points at the equators.

So, there was going to be a solstice, but I didn't think it a day anyway different from the other days. Besides, the real magic was supposed to happen at the celestial equators  and me, I was probably a million miles from those places,  so it didn't matter much to my keen.

We had not attended church today, and I was quite sure we would soon have to entertain visitors or at least put to rest one or two phone calls from brethren who wanted to exhibit the so called "Brotherly love."
I was right because; soon enough, Adesua my Neighbour and friend, came over and began sipping via a straw on pepsi.

Once she had told me that it was the world's greatest invention; Pepsi that is, and I laughed at the memory. It was even more interesting than the June 21 phenomenon.

Adesua looked at me and gestured her hands around her head in a way that suggested she thought I was crazy.

"What are you laughing about ?" she'd asked.

"Your incorrigible ways."

"Haha, is that a compliment?"

*But I just smirked*

" You guys didn't come to church today for you would've laughed your butt off, the drama group put up a show and they were pretty  convincing."

So the boy Eugene played a part where he supposedly got high on H2O


After dinner, I went to my room and through the window peered that the moon had a tint of red, then I remembered the solstice. Not like that had anything to do with it, but I decided to pree the skies with the antique telescope that dad had gotten me from his one time, travel.

I couldn't even recall the last time I had used it, perhaps when I was ten.

It was always faced towards the Pegasus, but for some reason I looked elsewhere and I saw something; A streak of light in the sky that just Stayed there, or like the sky had a tear;
So imagine the sky was a cloth now imagine that cloth had a slit, and light shown through the slit.

It was like the sky had torn at a part and it was also like you could reach through the tear.

Dear reader, please do not comment that there are a lot of grammar errors without being specific. Please kindly state the error and as such if I feel you're right, I would correct them. Also, just so you know I write in a different way than is common as I think that the usual is boring.  But Then, if you do not understand still, state what you do not understand so I will correct it because i will carry out some editing, when i have the time.

Thanks, I  would love to get your feedback.

PS:  i'm listening to jon bellion's All time low right now!

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