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it has already been three months, and i thought i got over him. but every single damn time i thought i was, i was proven wrong.

opening the book i had stopped reading a few months ago, a bookmark, or more like a photograph had slipped off. picking it up, i suddenly got reminded of him again. it was like my efforts of forgetting him were in vain.

the day at the amusement park. the first time we went there together, as a couple. amidst the loud cheers and excited laughters of people, we watched the rows of fireworks display in the evening in awe. i still remember how he would attempt to secretly take pictures of me unknowingly.

later on, he asked someone to help us take a picture of us together. in it he was smiling ever so brilliantly. when will i ever get to see his all so familiar smile again?

a few weeks after the picture was taken, i went to print and laminate it nicely; using it as a bookmark. my most favourite bookmark.

i felt a tear roll down my cheeks.

a/n: happy birthday to my bias kim taehyung!!!! staY happy, weird & goodlooking¡

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