Special Chapter

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Richard saw a book, but it wasn't just a book.

It was Alexandra's diary.

He opens the diary and read one by one, line by line and poem by poem.

Alexandra loved poems and that is why she wrote her whole diary in a poetic way.

One page caught his attention.

Dear Richard,

I know you might not see this because it is my diary. I'm just writing this because I have a hard time expressing it. I know you're my best friend and I love you for that. The thing is that I don't love you as a best friend, I love you as a lover. I won't ever tell you this because I'm scared that this is only one-sided and my feelings will never be reciprocated. If I tell you, you'd be avoiding me like a plague and I'll lose you as my best friend even if I wanted us to be more than that. However, I'm very glad that we are best friends and I'll cherish your presence forever Richard.

Alex outtie xox.

Richard reread the specific page again and broke down into sobs, more like fully crying. He did not know that all this time, he got feelings for Alexandra but he was too stubborn and was fully blinded by his parents' wishes.

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