Chapter 2: Do YOU have Manners?!

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Chapter 2: Shinjitsu to Uso (Truth and Lies)

Chapter 2: しんじつとうそ

The ticking of the heart machine was the first thing I heard. My mind scrambled through the haze. Groggily turning my head to the left, I could barely see the IV drip connecting to my left wrist. Blinking a few times, I noticed I was in a white-colored room similar to a doctor's office. It was a bit dark, as if it was early morning.

"Ah, you're awake."

A smell of lavender drifts to my nose.

"Did you know? Lavender has magical properties. We often take it to monster dimensions to avoid the effects of crystallization. It's very effective to repel poison from the body." It was a male silky voice.

Managing to lift my head, I looked in front of me. Sitting in the chair was a man in a white doctor coat with long glossy white hair. His undershirt and pant were black, legs crossed. He was holding up a long purple plant with his left. In the right hand, he was holding a phone, moving his thumb quickly.

"W-Where am I..." I croaked out. My throat was parched. How long have I been sleeping?

"Bellum Academy."

"Bellum Academy?!" I sat up abruptly. Stings of pain rushed through my body. I felt like someone stabbed me multiple times with needles and left it in there. I winced.

Dropping back, I took deep breaths as the pain slowly went away. He walked over briskly, helping me get into a decent sitting position. Giving me a cup of water, I drank it thirstily.

The memories flashed back to me. The first day of my high school life was a disaster. Despite being accepted for the first time at the school, the friends I've made were monsters in disguise and tried to poison me to death. Then Ookami, just like a hero from a manga, battled against those monsters by using a power called Unison.

And now I'm here, at Bellum Academy, the place where students fight against these monsters. I've been sleeping for god knows how long, while in massive pain and meeting a person I've never met my entire life.

I gripped my cup tightly.

"Now that you're awake, let's move to the important details." He looked directly at me.

I felt frightened by his gaze.

"Watari Yui, did you know you were trapped in an Outbreak for 7 years?"

"That is a lie... Right?" I questioned. He shook his head. My eyes widened.

"Seven years ago, you were trapped in two simultaneous Ether Outbreaks in the area of Chiba. Due to the two monsters working together, we couldn't find you, nor the black orb that we would normally see. Luckily for us, the monsters kept you living till you were 15, the age where you reach your full potential."

My hands were shaking, as I clenched my hands together. I looked down at my lap, the tears threatening to spill.

My whole life there was all a lie?

The pain of my father leaving, the love for my mother, and being ostracized; it was all a lie created by those selfish monsters?!

How much is my memory is true and how much isn't?!

"What do you mean by full potential?" My voice was quavering.

"Once you reach the age of 15, your body can hold and regenerate ether autonomously. Ether is the balance of the world. By using it, you can achieve Unison."

The flashback of Ookami's Unison with Arthur popped up in my mind. In a blinding light, Arthur appeared right next to Ookami. Connecting your mind with the monsters, working as one. Is that how you would do a Unison?

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