~Chapter eight~

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Camz🌵: Lolo, why are you still mad?

Lern🙈: I'm not mad Camila.

Camz🌵: but you are. I just want to fix it lo

Lern🙈: You said you were never going to leave Camz

Lern🙈: yet you did, and it hurts.

Camz🌵: But I haven't left you guys, i haven't left you Lo

Lern🙊: but how do I know for sure you'll never leave completely, how do I know I'm not gonna wake up and find you gone. I'm scared

Camz🌵: but I won't

Lern🙊: you said you wouldn't leave the band but you did, how do I know Camila!

Camz🌵: BECAUSE I LOVE YOU LAUREN! I didn't want to tell you my feelings towards you this way but there's no choice. I love you Lauren, i always have!

 Lern🙊: you what?

Camz🌵: I'm in love with you Lolo, that's why I would never leave. I can't loose the person I've been in love with since the X Factor auditions

Lern🙊: I love you too

Camz🌵: YOU DO!

Lern🙊:  Eversince you came up to me and told me you liked my shirt😊

Camz🌵: I'm so happy rn omg😭😭

Lern🙊: come round, I wanna be able to tell you I love you in person. Over text isn't that official

Camz🌵: round in 20 babe😃😃


So Camren admitted their feelings towards eachother after how long😩 Sorry if you one of those  people who think Camren shippers are "delusional" but Idc so suck it up. I'm Camren trash so I'm putting it in the story😉

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