Chapter 1

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As we have a new character, here she is! Meet Isame!:

As we have a new character, here she is! Meet Isame!:

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My name is Isame Black. I'm fifteen years old. Im half human, quarter vampire, and quarter wolf. My parents are called Renesme Black and Jacob Black. My grandparents are dead. On my fathers side, there were car accidents and illnesses, ending in their death. My Grandma on my Mum's side was killed by my sister, Rise, when she sacrificed herself for my Dad. Nobody knows how my Dad died, all we know is that it was suicide. I was conceived a few days before my parents Wedding day, but my Mum only told my Dad on their honeymoon. Then I was born two days before the honeymoon came to a close, and I was named 'Isame' taken from 'Isabella' and 'Renesme'. And now it's my first day at school, as Mum and Dad are too busy with 'housework' nowadays, and need more 'Private time'. That's fine with me, cause I don't ever want to see them making out like they do when I turn my back. Ever. So I've accepted my scholarship at Forks High, and I'm walking towards the large, heavy metal gate. I can taste the damp air on my tongue, and I hear the loud chatter of children meeting up for the first time since the Summer Holidays. I bury my face in my hoodie, trying to block my face and keep out the biting wind. I walk forward, and then here a voice coming towards me.

"Hey! Hey!"

I look up, and running towards me is a thin, blonde girl. She's quite obviously wearing blue contacts, and her hair had been died a billion times. When she reaches me, I loosen my grip on my navy coat, and look up at her.

"Hi! You're the new girl, right? Isame Black?" She greets, confident and girly.

"Yeah" I mutter. "Isame Black"

We continue to walk forwards towards reception. I don't try to start any conversation.

"So-" She begins. "My name's Stella, and you can always find me by the fountain at lunch, with my boyfriend Charles"

I nod.

"I will" I lie. "If I don't get lost first"

Stella burst out laughing, although I don't understand how that was funny.

"Anyway, Izzy, can I call you Izzy?" She begins.

I shrug. I've never been called Izzy before, just Isame and Mai.

"Sure, I guess"

"Cool. Alright so, Izzy, I'll see at lunch?" She says.

I try to brighten up the mood a little, as although it's freezing cold and I'm used to the scorching skin of Dad, I probably sound like an emo right now.

"Yeah! Lunch!" I enthuse.

Stella's taken aback by my sudden enthusiasm, and now I probably look like a total freak. I look down again, and put my hands in my pockets awkwardly. Finally we reach the large building, and I wrench open the door frantically. The warmth hits me like a slap, and I sigh out.

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