Enter Genma Shiranui!

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I had to use all of my strength not to strangle him. He entered the room with a stupid smirk on his face, like he just told a hilarious joke. A joke that lasted a total of two hours!! He led us to the top of the school for introduction.

"Well, since we're stuck with each other now, we might as well get to know each other. You know interests, likes, dislikes, the usual."

We were all hesitant at first, but finally Nami was the first to speak.

" I'm Nami Hokori, I'm interested in many things, which I don't feel comfortable sharing with you because we don't even know your name yet."

Our new sensei just laughed and said he would go first then. " Well, I'm Genma Shiranui, I am interested in traveling mostly, which is partially why I decided to be a squad leader. I don't really know if I'll like or dislike any of you, so let's begin."

He motioned Nami to resume where she left off. "Again, I'm Nami Hokori. I'm interested in finishing this as fast as possible, so I can relax. I'll probably dislike you because you seem to be late for everything."

"Hey now, I had to fill out a lot of paperwork. Don't judge people on first impressions. Anyway you go next."

He was pointing at me. " I'm Nikarosu Takahashi. I'll need to get to know everyone more first, but I think we could get along. I also have a goal, but I'm not going to tell you until I trust you guys completely."

I sounded skeptical. Which in a sense, I was. Everyone here was probably chosen as an extra for some reason. I probably was chosen because I was too average. Nothing spectacular like Sauske, but not as low as Naruto. I didn't know I had the same reason as everyone for being here.

Anyway, we continued the introductions. "I'm Arekushisu Uzumaki, but I am NOT like Naruto! We are very different, and I'm not a troublemaker like him. So don't jump to any conclusions!"

After this, Genma announced that we would have training tomorrow. "Make sure that you all are in top condition so I can gauge your strengths correctly." He then left.

Arekushisu and Nami left in a hurry as well, probably to train. I would've gone with them, but I had plans already. Today was Friday. I couldn't be late.

(Sorry for the long delay for this chapter, I got lost on the path of life😅)

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