Damon - Prank Wars

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Damon pranks you and soon you are both in a prank war. But who will win?

It's a Saturday morning which means that Damon was downstairs making you a cooked breakfast while you slept in a little longer. You stay with Damon in the Salvatore boarding house at the weekends, but breakfast in bed has always been a tradition of yours. Finally deciding to get up, you take a warm shower.

As you get out you hear Damon shout "Breakfast is ready."

"Okay, I will just dry my hair and then I will be down." You call back.

You swear you can hear him chuckling to himself, but you decide to ignore it. Quickly, you put on your clothes and pick up your hair dryer.

As soon as you turn it on you are covered in white powder. After you wipe it out of your eyes you look in the mirror in shock and see Damon walk into the room, with a grin on his face. As soon as he sees you, he starts laughing his head off.

You gasp. "You did this on purpose? You evil person!"

Slowly he stops laughing but a grin remains on his face. "Are you asking if I filled your hairdryer with baking flour? Because, no I can't remember doing that..." He says sarcastically.

"I will get my revenge." You say. An idea strikes you. You walk towards Damon innocently and quickly give him a big hug, so now he is covered in flour too.

"Is that it? That's your revenge? I need a shower after breakfast anyway." He says smirking.

"Shut up. Thanks to you, I need another shower after breakfast too!" You reply as the both of you go downstairs.

Throughout breakfast Damon kept chucking and kept asking if you were scared because you were "As white as a ghost."

You finish eating and head back upstairs to take another shower, while Damon cleans up the kitchen. While in the shower you have a brilliant idea. Once finished in the shower, you run over to your old arts and crafts box and pull out a large tub of glitter.

Once you have taken your shower, you pull open the shower head and empty the tub of silver glitter inside. You fasten it back on and hide all the evidence. Then you start to clean out your hairdryer.

Soon enough Damon walks back into your room as you start drying your hair again innocently. He chuckles again, and you stick your tongue out at him. Then he walks into your bathroom. You turn of your hairdryer and listen as he turns on the shower and just a few seconds later, it is turned off.

"Y/N!" He shouts.

Now it was your time to laugh. He walks out, half naked and covered in glitter, with a scowl on his face.

"Now you're a sparkly vampire, like in Twilight." You joke.

He doesn't seem impressed. "You're hilarious, Y/N."

"Oh no." You whisper, after you see a mischievous grin appear on his face.

Suddenly he is right beside you and he pulls you into a hug, despite your struggle to run away.

"Damonnnnn. Now I have to take yet another shower."

"At least you get to take it with me this time." He winks.


Sunday morning quickly came by and you wake up to Damon kissing you on the lips.

"Good morning, beautiful." He says. "I'm going to Ricks, he needs help threatening someone."

You role your eyes. "Well, be careful."

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