Chapter 4

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James's POV

Riley walked on stage. I could see her eyes were red and puffy from crying, making my heart break. "In third place, we have, The Next Step." The announcer said cheerily, and the girls smiled, Giselle accepting the trophy. "Second place, Elite Dance Academy." The woman continued, and Riley was handed the trophy. She stared down at the trophy sadly, as Tess and Max hugged in celebration. I noticed Amanda glancing at Riley worriedly. That was odd, but Riley's one of the nicest people I know, they were probably friends before Amanda quit. "And that only leaves first place. Give a round of applause to LOD, Life Of Dance." The woman finished, clapping as they were handed their trophy. The teams turned, walking towards the wings and off the stage as the announcer made some final remarks before officially ending the competition.
"Come on, we have to meet the girls. And I'm not leaving you alone." Kate said, a furious look on her face as she addressed me. I nodded, following her through the crowds of people.

Amanda's POV

"Hey guys, I gotta use the washroom, can you tell Kate I'll meet you in the parking lot?" I told Giselle and Thalia.
"Yeah sure, no problem." Giselle answered, smiling at me. I turned away from them, walking through the crowds of people. I entered the washroom, hearing sobs. Confused, I turned the corner, seeing Riley sitting on the floor, balling her eyes out.
"Ri, are you okay?" I asked, kneeling down beside her. She shook her head, raising her arm to wipe away a few tears.
"I-I'm in l-love with James. But T-Tess saw us kissing and told dad. Now, h-he's making us........ Now he's making us break up." She cried, leaning her forehead against her knees, curling into a ball. I sighed. I know I'm still at Elite, and they're all my friends, but I'll be one of the first to admit how cruel they all are, especially Lucien. Riley's the exception. It's actually sort of funny that they're related, seeing as they're so different. Riley continued to shake as she cried. She obviously loved James a lot, I've never seen her so upset before. I rubbed her back comfortingly, feeling bad for her. Lucien and Kate and Phoebe had such a big rivalry, it was no surprise they reacted that badly, I'm sure Kate's in a bad mood because of what's happening. Kate! I have to go meet them.
"Riley, I gotta go, okay? I'm really sorry." I told her, standing and heading out to meet my teammates and very angry dance teacher.


James's POV

"James! I'm very disappointed in you!" My mother snapped, frowning as she walked towards me. "How could you?! After what they do to me and your aunt."
"What Lucien does to you and Kate, Riley has never done anything wrong!" I argued. "There's no reason for you to be against us dating."
"You're my son! By dating her you've betrayed me, your aunt, your grandmother, teammates, and your friends! What will A troupe say when they hear about this?! Lord knows gossip travels faster than the speed of light around here." Mom sighed. "Do you know how much drama you've just caused?!" She asked, looking rather stressed. "We're just barely holding the team together right now, because of your actions it's all gonna fall apart."
"It's not my fault I fell in love with her!" I shouted, angry no one could see this through my eyes.
"Don't you dare say that! I don't ever want to hear you say that you love that girl ever again!" She demanded. "Now go to your room." I sighed, doing as I was told, slamming the door loudly behind me.

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