The Red Scarf | About Last Night

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December 6, 2005

Perhaps I was over thinking. Maybe we were the missing pieces to each other. Maybe you've finally realized it's me that you want. You invited me out for dinner tonight and it was best to show up.
        "Hey! Nice to see you again!" Joseph said as he caught up to me getting out of the car.
        "It's only been a couple of day's haha." I said.
We walked inside as unexpected. Stephanie was there. A host of the restaurant.
        "Hey! So this was the big, I can't make it surprise?" Joseph said, and it clicked to me, this night had been for all of us, not for him and me.
        "Yes! I got hired and of course I couldn't make it because I was working here now!" She said, "Plus, I got more hours and it pays more."
        "That's why you left?" He asked
        "Yes." She said
Left? What do they mean? I watch Joseph looked and talked to Stephanie as if he was under a spell, but that was unreal and so Disney. I still wished he looked at me that way even with the amount of times we spent alone.
        "Tonight still?" She said.
        "Yes, definitely!" He said, and I was trying to figure out what was tonight and why wasn't I included.She walked us to our table and left. It doesn't matter anyway. Joseph and I still had the night to ourselves. We talked and ate and talked and talked more and laughed, as the night couldn't get much better, It was too good to be true! but finally had to ask.
"So what's your big reason for me here today?"
He looked at me with his mouth full.
        "Oh, okay." He said finishing the food in his mouth and quieting down.
        "I got a promotion!"     
        "Oh my god! No way! That's amazing! You're going to be an official teacher now!"
        "I know, it's pretty great but I've got to tell you something bigger. Better." I nodded. Do you love me too? Then he leaned closer to the table and used his finger to bring me closer and whispered, "We did it." And he chuckled afterwards.
I backed off and just stared at him, "What?"
        "Oh you won't believe it, listen to this." He said acting serious. "So, recently, I've been hanging at Stephanie's and last night she came over and things got off track and We-"
        "On your bed?"
        "Yes! Where else? Anyway, we weren't drunk ether! It was real and I can tell because she asked me to come over her house later tonight! This has to be a sign for me! Besides you said it yourself, things take time."
        "So... that's what's tonight?" I asked.
        "Yes! What do you think?" He asked me.
        "Well... why have you been over there for? And why did she go to your house last night?" I said ignoring his question. He sighed and backed off and moved a bit further from the table, "Are you disappointed?" He asked me. "We've done it only last night, and the other days, we just hung out. I'm not lying if you ask me."
Yes    "No, I'm just wondering." I had lie again to Joseph. I was disappointed. In me overall. I was so sure he liked me at some point. Our jokes, our talks, memories, laughter. How could you enjoy my company one day and then come back the next as if you did not feel me ether at least once! We talked about her some more and after, I've had enough.
        "Joseph, what if she's just lonely?" I asked. "What happened to the guy she was with?"
        "You see, she called me over that night I was with you to comfort her and the past days and I guess us hanging out must've been what she needed to see it. It's just that I needed to do-"
        "But you always do that? It's the same routine. You go over her house comfort her and-
        "Can't you listen? Maybe she's thought about it and I have to. She kissed me and it lead to that." Kiss? Oh Joseph you burn me without touching me. "Besides, she has already told me her feelings this morning."
        "I see." I said, "Go for it." We eventually stopped talking about Stephanie and continued to eat, but I didn't eat much after or talk. I as always Joseph was happy unlike me and all I could show was being happy for him.
"Why is that you never go on dates? I thought we were on dates. "Talk to a New York fellow?" I was trying to talk to you. "You've got a High School sweetheart back home isn't it?!" No, it's you that's my home. He kept asking me questions about my love life now and before but I wouldn't budge. I just kept replying with no, no thanks or I'm fine but I was not fine at all. He never was smart enough to figure I wasn't.
        "Hey guys, did you like the food?" Stephanie sat down.
       "I did." Joseph said.
        "That's great! What about you?" She asked me.
        "Oh, yes it was" I said.
        "No worries! Not like I made it! Haha" she said.
Stephanie just gotten off her shift and joined us, but we all stay together and laughed but soon, it was time for them to go.
        "Ready?" She asked Joseph.
        "Oh sure!" He said. Then he got up and arms opened to hug me. "We have to go now, and you know already."
        "Ah no, I don't feel like getting up." I said joking.
        "Oh alright alright, have a goodnight." He said.
        "Have a goodnight!" She said to me as Joseph was picking his things from the table and leaving with his back turned to me.
        "Wait! Your red scarf!" I said.
        "Oh thanks!" He said back, and then I watched him leave with her.

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