Confessions ~Otayuri~

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*I think this picture fits what I'm trying to describe, but I couldn't find the right size for the cover

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*I think this picture fits what I'm trying to describe, but I couldn't find the right size for the cover.*

Yuri looked down at his phone, waiting for Otabek to show up at Yuri's favorite cat cafe. It was his 19th birthday. As he checked his phone, replying back to all the birthday comments, a cat had hopped onto his lap. Yuri put his phone aside, giving his attention to the white cat.

Outside the cat cafe, a taxi pulled up. Yuri watched as the door opened and a man with long black hair stepped out with a suitcase. When he turned around, he recognizes him to be Otabek. Yuri waved to him. Otabek waved back, heading into the building.

Yuri brushed his long hair out of his face, and slipped his phone the table and into his pocket. The bell above the door rang as he entered, startling the cat on Yuri's lap. The what feline jumped down, running off to another one of it's friends.

Otabek took the seat across from his friend, taking notice of his long hair. It had grown a few inches in the past three months since they had last seen each other in person. Today, Yuri had braided a small braid into his hair, leaving the rest of his hair down. It was no doubt a gorgeous look on him.

"Happy birthday, Yuri."

"Thanks," Yuri smiled. Oh, those smile. Otabek loved Yuri's smile. "What took you so long?" Yuri asked.

"I had problem finding my bags. Then my ride was late."

"Ah," Yuri said. Just then his phone began to vibrate. He picked up to see who was calling. "Oh no."

"Who is it?"

Yuri answered the call, not bothering to tell Otabek. Before Yuri could say hello, the person on the other line had begun screaming. Yuri yelled back an insult. It only took a few seconds to figure out he was speaking to Viktor. After a short conversation, Yuri hung up, explained that he was hanging out with Otabek.

"Sorry," Yuri apologized. "Viktor wouldn't shut up."

"It's fine," Otabek told him. A woman came back, placing a glass of water on the table for the black haired man who had come in. Once she had walked off, Otabek reached under the table for the gift he bought Yuri.

"You didn't have to get me anything."

"I did. It's what people do for others on their birthday."

Yuri blushed a little, talking the bag from his friend's hand. Before reached in, he glanced up at Otabek to make sure he was watching. And, just as he thought, Otabek was staring at him with those brown eyes that Yuri had come to love.

Moving aside the tissue paper, Yuri revealed a piece of back fabric. He reached in, pulling it out and unfolding it. It was a T-shirt with a white Bengal tiger head printed on the front. Yuri flipped it around and held it to his chest to see if it was the right size. He looked up, smiling at Otabek.

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