Chapter one- New Group

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I continued to shoot the zombies, dropping like flies while my group of friends laid dead at my feet. My gun click signaling no more ammo, I turned and quickly grabbed my friends knives and empty guns that were scattered around them. I started to run as the zombies or walkers chased after me even at a slow pace they were intimidating as the group grows and grows.

My name is Leena Thompson and I have been running from the infection for over 3 years now joining and leaving groups again and again as they ended up getting killed by their stupidity. I had somewhat long black hair that is tied up into a ponytail with a white tank-top covered with dry blood and mud along with a pair of denim shorts showing my tattoos. The small backpack over my shoulders rattled as the empty guns hit each other as I moved at a fast pace across back path.

I had Two knives in my hands, killing zombies as I ran down a path that leads me to a small town. I made it into the town and stopped for a moment to catch my breath, I jumped when I heard shouting coming from an abandoned building to the left of me. I turned around as a zombie came up, I swung the knife stabbing it through the temple.

I started to run towards the building until my foot was caught by a walker that was laying immobile on the ground. I pulled my foot from its grasp and took my head to its head crushing its skull from my combat boot. I continued to run until I was right at the door. I started banging on the door " let me in please" I say in a desperate tone.

I soon heard shuffling of things moving around until the door opened and I was pulled inside, stumbling onto the ground as things behind me started to move again blocking the door. I laid on the ground taking in deep breaths of air as I closed my eyes. " You okay?" A voice said from my right. I nodded my head " thank you" I said " here" I opened my eyes to see a bottle of water, I sat up and twisted off the cap taking big gulps of the refreshing water as it soaked my dry throat.

I heard a laugh from my right and I turned to see a man maybe a few years older than me with black hair with stubble across his chin and down his neck smiling at me. His teeth were straight and white and his eyes were a magnificent heterochromia. One was a sea blue while the other was a crystal green, each one filled with enthusiasm. " my names Liam, The
weirdo to your left is, Blake" Blake had dark brown hair with Bright blue eyes with specks of green and gold around his iris. His eyes were filled to the brim with excitement and joy with a hint of curiosity.

He had a smile that could light up a room at the moment he smiled and I have to admit he was hot. " The buff one over by the door is Ian with his Girlfriend Paris" Ian has green eyes with specs of brown around his iris that are filled with Wonder and passion. And he was indeed buff which made me laugh a little. Paris had bright sunny hair almost as bright as the sun, her eyes reflect her beauty they were the same green as Ian's except with a bit of white and gold around the iris showing a carrying and loving nature she has.

" and Finally this lovely little lady is my girlfriend, Lexi," he said as he pulled her into a hug, kissing her head lightly. She smiled as she looked at Liam with love and happiness, her eyes a shade darker then Liam's but had the same specs of gold and white as Paris's eyes. Her hair lighter than Paris's but still not light enough to become platinum. " it's nice to meet you all, I'm Leena" I say smiling a bright smile.

" nice to meet you, you look like someone we could have with us. What do you say?" Ian said sitting down on the ground "sure" I said. This was how my life was moving from one group to another until something happens. " they should be gone soon" I say out of the blue, everyone looked at me " the walkers" I say they nodded their heads " there is a lot" Paris commented. I laughed a little " there was a lot more than that" I said staring out the window.

" we faced that many?" Lexi asked " yeah, I mean I had a group of friends with me helping but they got cocky and let their guard down then a group came from behind killing them in minutes I managed to kill as many as I could making a path, killing as I go," i said looking back at them. they had a state of shock, concern, and pity. " and you managed to survive that?" Liam said pointing out the window " yeah I've had worse honestly, it was only a matter of time until they caught up with my group" i say running a hand through my pony tail.

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