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  I jolted upright in bed. Panting heavily I put my hand over my chest as if that would calm down my erratically beating heart. Wiping beads of sweat off my forehead, I slid out of bed. Walking toward the bathroom, I look down at my hands that were still tingling from the energy I felt consume my body, soul and spirit in the dream. It all felt too real. 

  The reflection staring back at me was a stranger unknown. Her hair was out and strayed with a sudden savageness. Her face was pale and fresh with fear. Her lips were chapped and chattering without care. Her eyes are dark and sunken in; chills crept through her bones. She looked like a living corpse. 

  I smoothed down my hair and plaited it into two long braids. After washing my face with cold water, I crept down the wooden stairs. Hopping over the third last step so it would not creak, I tiptoed into the kitchen. "Chi-ah!", I shouted as I jumped onto my mother, hugging her from behind. "Ani-ah!", she laughed; and I joined in the melody with her. Our laughs intertwined creates the voice of an angel, or so my Deon-ah used to say. 

  I pushed those memories aside while I took a roll of dough into my hands and began to knead it. "You did not rest well last night, Aniah", my mother said slowly, after taking in my appearance. I bit my lip and looked down, "I had dream last night". Chi-ah sighed, knowing that it would be useless to pry. Dusting off my hands, I put a smile on my face and rushed out the door. "I'm off to visit Nana!", I shouted, already half outside. Briskly, I went down the dirt road, to my grandmother's cabin. She would know why these dreams haunt me at night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2014 ⏰

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