You'll Always Be Beautiful

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  • Dedicado a A.NJell


So this is a fanfic of the Korean drama "You're Beautiful." It is a one shot. If you haven't watched the drama, I suggest you do.

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Hwang Tae Kyung stared at Go Mi Nyeo and their intertwined hands.

"Um... Hyung-nim? Can you not squeeze my hand so hard?" Mi Nyeo squeaked out. Tae Kyung immediately loosened his hold.

"Sorry," he said sheepishly.

"Well we're here. Can you two please hurry up?" Go Mi Nam, Go Mi Nyeo's twin brother declared in distaste. He still did not approve of Hwang Tae Kyung marrying his sister.

Shin Woo smiled at the couple. "Leave them alone, Mi Nam. It's their anniversary after all." Jeremy slapped Mi Nam on the back making him stumble.

"Yeah, hyung. Let the two act all lovey dovey. It suits Tae Kyung-hyung." Mi Nam glared at the blond idiot while regaining his balance.

Tae Kyung blushed. "Shut up Jeremy." Mi Nyeo smiled affectionately at her fiancé.

"Hyung-nim, I'm really glad that you're my star. Thank you for being there for me."

Tae Kyung smirked. Now she's grateful.

"Just as long as you say that I'll always be your favorite star. Even more than your brother," Tae Kyung said arrogantly, his lips tilting into his trademark smirk.

"You... You jerk!" Mi Nam yelled, his face turning red. "Mi Nyeo, how could you be marrying this... This!" he huffed. "This-over-bearing-jerk-of-a-guy!"

Mi Nyeo stared at her brother, unable to grasp his angry words. "Huh? Can you repeat that, Oppa?"

Shin Woo chuckled. Mi Nyeo could be so clueless sometimes. "Oh, Mi Nyeo-ah..."

Go Mi Nam slapped his forehead in frustration.

"Aish! Never mind little sis. Just tell me when he's acting like a jerk and I'll kick his ass for you!"

Mi Nyeo gasped. "Oppa!"

Jeremy laughed with glee. "You're not much of a role model yourself, hyung."

Mi Nam glared at Jeremy. "Shut up, you blonde haired freak!"

Tae Kyung glared at them, his eyebrows furrowed. "Aish. You're all too loud. Especially you, stupid Mi Nam. Don't be jealous that your sister is getting married to me when you're stuck with that devil fairy, Yoo He Yi."

Mi Nam glared daggers at him. "Don't talk bad about my girlfriend, you bastard!" Mi Nam lunged at Tae Kyung but Shin Woo and Jeremy held him back.

"Let go of me!" he growled, pushing against them.

"Calm down," Shin Woo advised the raging Mi Nam while smiling at the amusing situation.

Tae Kyung laughed at Mi Nam's ridiculous posture but Mi Nyeo just sighed helplessly, shaking her head. "Oh, Oppa."

"Hwang Tae Kyung, if only my sister wasn't marrying you... Aargh! You damn conniving jerk," Mi Nam yelled but Tae Kyung ignored him.

Mi Nyeo dragged her favorite star in the world near the edge of the planetarium where some telescopes were set up. "Hyung-nim, look! A meteor shower!"

"Huh, where?" Tae Kyung turned his face around and Mi Nyeo took the chance to steal a kiss. As their lips connected, Tae Kyung was surprised at Mi Nyeo's newfound boldness.

"Ahem." Someone coughed behind them. The couple kept kissing. "Ahem!" The person coughed louder.

"Quit it!" a hand shoved them apart. It was Go Mi Nam. "Seriously! Kissing like that in public!" he hissed. "I can't believe you two. Just 'cause you're getting married in less than a week doesn't mean that you can act like -- like that!" he exclaimed, blushing.

Mi Nyeo laughed, her eyes twinkling. "Oppa, I'm so glad that you're going to be there for my wedding. Thank you," she exclaimed, her eyes tearing up.

Tae Kyung intervened and placed his arms around Mi Nyeo's waist. He pushed her head against his chest and kissed her hair while murmuring sweet words.

"Um, can we please go back now? I'm freezing and I forgot to feed Jolie," a small voice squeaked in the background.

Mi Nam smiled despite hating Hwang Tae Kyung's guts. But he made his sister happy and that was all that mattered to him.

"Yeah let's go home, A.N.Jell!"

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