Chapter 1 : The Room

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Several weeks ago, my friends and I was sitting down at the canteen, when suddenly our teacher, Mrs Johnson scream and ran towards the canteen. Darline and I ran towards Mrs Johnson and tried to calm her down.

We asked her what HAPPENED! She replies "I SAW A GHOST!", we were terrified of what she just said. She explained to us that while she combs her hair, she saw a figure of a man standing behind her.

She looked back and saw nothing, Mrs Johnson then said, "Hello, Hello!", There weren't any replies, she turned back to the mirror and then she saw a man at the back of her holding a knife! She immediately ran away as quick as she could until she reaches the canteen.

My friends and I agreed to investigate the school. In the afternoon, school ended, and we decided to talk to the principal. The principal didn't gave us an opportunity to talk to us, he quickly ran to his vehicle and drove away.

We later go to the local library and found evidence of murder in the school's compound. The police ended the investigation at one of the rooms at the school. Unfortunately, the room was hidden from sight.

The next day, we searched for the room and found it locked with chains.

End of Chapter 1

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