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So far I have been solely focusing on the Fantasy Genre, and the series, War of Emperium. Either that or The Beast of Rose Castle! This story is a separate 'series' (I say very loosely) I plan on creating, taking place in a world of our own with magic, demons, angels, witches, and an ancient rivalry that is destroying everyone and everything. In this series, there is probably going to be short stories that accompany it, as I find that I have a lot of ideas that go into this world! 

The main story will be about Adaire and her revenge

There may be a side story that revolves around Adaire's brother, Phoenix, and possibly another demon. (wink wink)

Some questions that you may want to vomit out at me and have answered? Don't have any, though it makes me cry, then go ahead and check out the first chapter whenever I get to putting it up! 

Will there be romance? ~ Well, in this book I plan there to be romance! A devilishly handsome demon who is incredibly sinful and a bad a/ss heroine? What match is better? 

What is this story about? ~ This is the story of vengeance/revenge, witchery, falling in love when you feel as if all is lost, and dealing with whatever bed you make for yourself to lay in. 

How long do you plan to make the book ~ Probably the same length as The Beast of Rose Castle, if not longer. The same goes for future books I'm creating. I want to make them long with intricate plots! This, Wattpad, is about me stepping into being a writer and growing better and better at what I love to do! So, making longer books while not losing the good things about my stories are something I'm interested in doing. Increasing my skills is also something I am very much looking forward to! 

Why demons? ~ Better than doing another vampire romance story? I don't know. I just like the idea of the otherworldly! It was either this or something to do with werewolves! 

When will you update? ~ I plan on updating whenever I really can. That isn't to say I will be able to do it every day, but it isn't like I will just up and quit on it! I can't do that! My perfectionist/completionist self cannot stand for it! Besides, once I get a cover for this lovely book and I can honestly begin the updates! 

Will you make a character sheet with real actors? ~ No. My characters are not real people and never are influenced by real people! They are mine and mine alone... That being said, I'm cool if other people see them as actors. I just can't handle making mine into someone else, you know? 

Why does it feel like this book won't be as good as The Beast of Rose Castle? ~ This may just be something I'm thinking myself.... but on the off chance it isn't: Simply, it isn't my own world, which makes things harder since I just can't up and make everything up. That being said, I am trying! I will edit things up and make it prettier later! I promise! 

Why does your MC have practically no one? ~ Pretty much, it can be summed up at she feels betrayed by everyone. She feels like she has to become someone else to protect herself from further heartbreak. 

Who is this mysterious demon she creates a covenant with? ~ A very sinful demon with an awful temper that matches hers! You want more, read the book and get to know him there! Want more still, I'll see if I want to make a short story based on just his past! Let me know below in the comments! 

Why did you choose your title? ~ Covenant means a sacred pact and it is cursed because... things you will learn later! 

Anything I forgot to answer? Questions you are dying to ask? Go on and ask them! I will make a FAQ later in the book for your reading pleasure (or disgust). 

Thank you so much for reading through my rambling! Also, I would like to post a small warning when it comes to this story. It will be mature, hot, and sexy (hopefully). That means this will be the first MATURE book for me on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy! 

~ With much love, Demmie Lei <3

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