sold to the devil pt.10

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“You mean Jazlyn”

I didn’t actually know the girls name but he seemed to know what I was talking about, Bell looked confused. She obviously wasn’t aware there was another girl. The girl, Jazlyn, was about the same age maybe a bit older. I was waiting for more of an explanation as my body shook, Bell ran her hands up and down my arms like she was arming me up but she knew I wasn’t cold. We waited for him to continue about Jazlyn if that was even her real name.

“She was the other girl I took to a home the day I took Violet away from that horrible place, I assumed that you wouldn’t remember and leave it alone.” He was right I didn’t remember until now, he wouldn’t look at Bell and I. Tapping of his shoes from his pacing and my heavy breaths were the only sounds that filled me room. Stopping at the window he stared out into the night, with his back towards us he spoke softly,

“I didn’t hurt her if that is what you are worried about, she is in a safe place and she is actually enjoying where she is right now. Jazlyn is living with a friend of mine, she is perfectly safe darling.” I almost hated when he called me ‘darling’ more than when he called me by ‘Violet’. It was good to hear she was safe, but it didn’t completely relax me.

“How come you never brought her back to this house Mr. Baron? You never even mentioned her.” Bell sounded slightly hurt, but she did her best to hide any sign of it. Mr. Baron turned to face us, he was about to speak but Cal interrupted when he opened the door announcing he had tea. Handing us each a cup and some sugar cubes, everyone was silent for a few minutes until Cal broke it,

“I’m guessing this is about the other girl, the one Hel-“Mr. Baron cut him short but nodded his head, Cal didn’t say anymore. No one said anything, Bell stood to leave saying that she was tired and headed off to bed. Cal and Mr. Baron stayed put as if waiting, the dipped down next to me, Mr. Baron sat next to me.

“What was it that made you scream in your sleep Violet? A nightmare perhaps?” his eyes searched my face, I only nodded in response. Cal sat in a chair next to the bathroom door watching us, “Would you like to talk about it?” I shook my head, he nodded.

“It was about being in the basement where you took her from.” Cal stared straight through me, “She was reliving it, and she heard you asking to take another girl too. That’s how she remembered.” It was like he was looking right into her mind. Mr. Baron was looking at Cal to now, he looked back at me with a look that said ‘Is this true?’

“How did you know that? You could’ve guessed but there was too much detail for that to be a guess,” I stopped and stared at him, he sent the same chill down my spine as Mr. Baron. “You’re not human, you’re like him” I said pointing a shaky finger at the man sitting next to me. He nodded and spoke again,

“I am not human, but I’m not like him. I’m a demon but a different kind, I can read and control your thoughts.” He watched me waiting for my reaction.” I just stared at the wall while it all sunk in, I was in the same room as two monsters. One wanted to drink the fluid that kept me alive, the other could look into my head and control me like a puppet if he wished. I let out a long sigh,

“I want to talk to Jazlyn tomorrow. I’m not going anywhere until I talk to her. I feel like I’m going insane, is the man she’s living with human? Is he like Cal or is he like you?” I asked Mr. Baron, he explained that I may not be able to speak with her tomorrow but he would arrange a way for us to talk and that the man she was with was not human but he was harmless which I found hard to believe. Mr. Baron excused himself and left after leaving me with Cal. We simply watched each other do nothing for a good ten minutes until I broke the silence,

“How does it work?” I asked, I always wished I could look into peoples’ heads to see what they thought of things or people, but it always was a silly thought because it was unnatural.

“How does what work?” his face held no emotion like usual, his mouth a straight line, eyes blank the rest of his face completely relaxed.

“Reading and looking into peoples thoughts, can you just hear them all the time? Or only when you choose?” The ends of his mouth curved forming the tiniest smile, he leaned forward his elbows on his knees,

“I can only hear your thoughts when I choose, if I wanted to right now I could find exactly what you’re thinking and access any of your memories.” He explained more how he could control dreams too and control peoples’ actions as well, but it was tricky and took a lot of energy. I sat and listened to all of it, it really was interesting and scary. By the end of his mini lesson I felt really vulnerable, he asked me after why I was so interested in his abilities but still pushed Mr. Baron away. 

“His seems more threatening, plus all he’s told me about it is he needs blood to live, as far as I know he has no special abilities. No cool little tricks.” Cal seemed to understand this and told me most of the tricks that came with his kind were physical traits. I nodded; Cals’ large figure rose from the chair and headed for the door,

“Goodnight Violet, you should get some rest. It’s nearly two in the morning.” He nodded toward the clock sitting next to the bed and left. The light shut off after he shut the door, I laid back into the bed, curling up under the heavy blanket. Shutting my eyes I felt sleep creep up on me like it had a few hours before.

Two days had passed since the night I found out about Jazlyn, I still hadn’t contacted her. I barely left my room, Bell and Tessa had been checking up on me, making sure I ate and had everything I needed. A few times I’d gone to the library just to be somewhere else. No one else was ever in there, Cal said it was good someone was finally put the old room to use. Cal seemed nicer after we spent two hours talking about his abilities. Mr. Baron had only come to see me once, he said that I could talk to the girl tomorrow and I told him then tomorrow I would leave my room. He argued that I was being childish, I responded back with the argument I was still a child by law. After that he left, making a show of slamming the door on the way out. Around four Tessa and Bell both came into my room, saying they wanted me to go down for diner with everyone else. Mr. Baron was going to announce the theme for the ball that was in a couple days, I didn’t want to tell them that I already knew the theme because they were really excited about it. Maybe Bell already knew too since she was in my closet earlier this week.

“C’mon Violet, you can’t stay in here forever. Come down for diner and right after you can go back to being a hermit.” Tessa said lightly, I couldn’t help but smile. After changing into a pair of blue skinny jeans that fit just right, and a loose grey tank top I agreed to go. The dining room was packed just like the last time I’d eaten diner here. The only difference was the girls were dressed normally. Mr. Baron announced that it was the same theme as the other night, and they just had to make sure that they went as other characters. He also said that their dates names would be slipped into their rooms by tomorrow evening.

Dinner was delicious and as promised right after I finished I returned to my room. I had to admit the purple walls, dark wood floors, and white furniture were growing on me. The lavender sent was gone now, I missed it but I wasn’t going to complain. I hadn’t done anything all day but I was exhausted, I didn’t even bother to change before I crawled into the soft and unmade bed. I fell asleep without hesitation.

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