Enter Pegasus

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Yugi,Yusei,Yuma, Yuya and Jaden were all hanging out at Yugi's grandfather's game Shop. "How are you able to see from the left side of goggles if it has a big star in the center ?" Yuma asked looking at Yuya's Goggles.  Yuya titled his head to the side and scratched his head. "Beats me Yuma it's a mystery really." Yuya gave a goofy smile.  Yugi laughed at Yuya's silliness.  "Your never negative aren't you Yuya-san ?" Yugi asked. Yuya just rapidly shook his head and adjusted his goggles.

"Now that I think about it your Goggles do look funny kinda. " Yusei joked. Jaden couldn't help but laugh at Yusei's joke. Yuya puffed his cheeks. "You guys are jerks I hope you know that." He pouted.  Yugi and Yuma both gasped. "Yuya me and Yugi are on your side sir." Yuma said with seriousness.

The Game Shop's door burst open causing the bell to ring. At the sound of the bell Yuya, Yusei, Yuma, Yugi and Jaden all turned their heads to the front door and jaws dropped instantly. "No way man that's Maximillion Pegasus the Maximillion Pegasus who invented the deal monsters game we all love and know.  Yugi you have Maximillion Pegasus in your game shop right now." Jaden said excitedly.  Yusei covered Jaden's mouth and sighed. "We get it Jaden it's Maximillion Pegasus no need to constantly repeat the man's name." Yusei said irritated.

Pegasus walked towards the 5 boys and smiled sweetly at the boys. "Yugi-boy,Yusei-boy,Jaden-boy,Yuya-boy,Yuma-boy glad to see you all gathered here today. I have big news boys." He said. 
Yuma looked at Pegasus and titled his head. 
"And the big news is ?" He asked.  "Well I'm going to be straight with boys. I'm making a new dueling school." Jaden exhaled. "Not another dueling school." He  whined. Pegasus chuckled.
"Jaden-boy you'll love this dueling school. One of the dorms well have  in door pool." He said.  Jaden eyes instantly ligh up. "I changed my mind I'll go to that Dueling school." Jaden said.

"But that's not all I'm also creating a new dueling tournament. And before I go I want to give you boys special Rings." Pegasus said. "Wait a minute why are giving us special rings ?" Yuya asked. Pegasus gave the boys the rings and smiled at them.
"You boys need protect the these rings because dark duelist are after them." Pegasus explain and then left the game shop. 

"We have to save the world again ? Don't we ever get a damn break ?" Jaden whined.  Yuma rolled his eyes. "Tell me about it." He said.  Yuya broke out laughing. "Guys don't be buzz kill saving the world could be fun give it chance." Yuya said smiling his signature goofy smile.

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