Jaden's Stupidity

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Yuya decided that it was time to tell their friends that their's going to be a new Dueling tournament, new dueling school and saving the world yet again. "Where is everyone anyways ?" Yuma asked play with a paddle ball. "Their all at Kaiba's house. " Astral said.  Since Yuya, Yusei, Yuma, Yugi/Yami and Jaden have a special bound with each other only they can see Astral and other spiritual begins while everyone else can't.  "Thanks for the heads up Astral." Yugi said. 

Jaden soon took off running towards Kaiba's house. "Come on guys I have an important announcement to make at Seto's house!" Jaden shouted. Yusei lowered his head. "Sadly I already know what that idiot's announcement is so brace yourself guys." Yusei said.  Everyone nodded. "Was Jaden dropped on his head as a baby ?" Yuya asked. "No Jaden's just Jaden." Yugi said. "Or he could be a secret assassin on a super secret mission to gain our trust then when we least aspect it he kills us all !" Yuma shouted in panic. Yusei rapidly shook Yuma. "Yuma pull your self together man Jaden's too big of an idiot to be an assassin." Yusei said. 

"He makes a point you know." Yami in spirit form said. "I agree with Yami." Yuya chimed in with a giant smile on his face. Yugi sighed. "Guys Jaden's our friend don't you think you guys are being to harsh o him ?"Yugi asked  "Why can't we all be kind hearted like little Yugi here ?" Yuma asked  pointed his finger at Yugi. "We don't know why ?" everyone said at the same time.

Time Skip at Kaiba's door step 

Jaden was the first one to arrive at Kaiba's with everyone close behind. "Jaden couldn't you wait for everyonr else ?" Yugi asked all out of breath from chasing Jaden. "Nope !" Jaden shouted then instantly rung the door bell. "Jaden you idiot !" Yusei balled up his fist and shot daggers at poor Jaden. The open slowly opened up and reviled Mokaba on the other side. "What took you guys so long ?" the youngest Kaiba brother asked. "Jaden here was being stupider then usual that's all." Yusei said glancing over at Jaden a couple of times. "Wow Yusei that hurt man. I thought we were friends dude." Jaden pouted with fake tears in his eyes. "Nice going Yusei you made poor Jaden cry." Yuma said shaking his head in disappointment. Yuya face palmed his self. "Yuma don't fall for it Jaden is clearly faking it." He said.  Yami laughed a little "You got admit Jaden did make it seem believe able though." He pointed out. Yugi sighed. "Yami please don't encourage  Jaden stupidity." Yuya then let out a gasp. "Yugi I'm shock you called Jaden stupid after you told us to be nicer to him because he's our friend." he said. "Talk about split personality." Yuma snickered. Yusei punched Yuma in the back of his head. "Spilt Personality doesn't work that way stupid." 

"Clearly Jaden's Stupidity is contagious." Yuya said. both Yami and Astral let out sigh. "Guys where all friends here no need to fight or insult each other." Mokaba said trying to calm down the fighting his friends randomly started.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2018 ⏰

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