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Chapter 2: call

"How was your day Daniel?" Mum was waiting for me to arrive home on the front steps. I shrugged.
"I met this guy named Phil." My moms mouth curved upward.
"I'm glad to hear honey, you can always invite him over here, you can play your Pokémon game, I could always pull out extra shifts to get more games for you-" I cover her mouth with my hand.
"Mum no, I'm ok." She shook her head and sighed.
"I'm sorry Dan." Her eyes were drowning in sorrow. "I'm so sorry."


Bzz. Bzz. Bzz.
My flip phone vibrated and I picked it up quickly.
"Hello?" I whisper, its 11 at night and my mom is in the room next to me.
"Dan?" The sound of the young 10 year old boy fills me with joy and relief.
"Adrian!" I whisper louder. I haven't seen him in Three months, I was able to sneak out when we still lived in the old house so I could go see my little brother, but now he is two hours away.
"Dan I miss you. Dad, he's drinking and, he-he's." I could hear the tears flooding his eyes. A tight grip pulled my heart away from the veins and cords that pumped blood throughout my body. My blood froze and my body became ice cold.
"Adrian, I promise that I'll get you out, you won't have to deal with this anymore. I know this sounds bad but just cater to his needs. Listen to him, stay out of trouble."
Little sniffles come from the other side of the line. "Ok dan, I have to go now I love you." I sign to myself.
"Your strong little buddy, love you too."

The line cut off, and I sat there as tears soaked my cheeks and jumped off my chin, one by one.


"Dan!" I turn to see Phil laying in yesterday's grass. I smile at him.
"Skipping class again?" I asked, walking up to him.
He shrugged, "I'd rather appreciate the day then to go about being bored out of my mind."
I nodded in agreement.
After a good few minutes of silence my mouth started moving without permission not synced with my brain. "Do you wanna come to my house today after school?"
"It would be my pleasure." He smiles gently at me.
"Who talks like that? Ya nerd." I snort, making fun of him came with ease.
"Hey! This nerd talks like that, and he doesn't appreciate the make fun." He pretends to be annoyed with him fake pouted bottom lip, which make me snort again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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