Louisa 25: The Reunion

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As promised this story reached 2K hits, so here's the update...




Fortunately I arrived before my friends from Elemental Galaxy blast Chloe and Jared into ashes. If not I don't know what will happen to them, worst they might not go near me once they discover who I really am.

Chloe and Jared sits at the couch opposite to Jasmine and Kennedy who's staring intently at Jared while Jack and Fred lost in the horizon staring at Chloe. Well, who can resist? I too am staring at my best friend who completely changed her way of clothing from jeans to a very fashionable dress and she also put on light make-up.

As for Jared, well he's still Jared. His cool way of clothing, the glow in his eyes every time he smiles, nothing change well except maybe on his skin tone he's tanner now,because of playing football or his found of sun bathing, I don't know.

"So, how was Texas?" Jared crack the silence. He look at my confuse friends then he turn to me waiting for an answer.

"Te...Texas?" I can't come up with an answer. And I haven't told my new friends that my old friends thought I was in Texas this past months.

"Still Texas." Jasmine saved me. "Same, same."

'Thanks,' I said inside Jasmine's mind. "Yeah!" I speak up. "Whatever you heard from the news, well they're true."

"So... are you okay?" Chloe voiced. Now filled with concern. "Is that why your here? How 'bout your parents?"

I knit my brows, "Okay?" I ask puzzled from the question.

"There's a calamity in Texas now right? Is that why you're here?" she asked.

"Of course I'm okay." I answered sarcastically, "Why wouldn't I be? Mom and dad are doing fine."

"Oh... by the way, I forgot to introduce my new friends from 'Texas'." I paused to look at them. "So... guys this is Jared." I point towards Jared, "and this is my best friend since I could remember, Chloe." I almost squealed the two said, 'Hi'.

I cleared my throat, "so this is Jasmine, Kennedy, Fred and Jack they're my friends from Texas." I said they shake each other's hand and after the introduction we went to the mall.

First thing that we did was shopping. Buying clothes is supposed to be easy, but my companion don't want me to treat them. Can you believe that? Well moving on, I was able to convince them, we bought clothes and some necessities for our two-day stay here on earth.

After shopping Chloe got hungry and she said that, 'I could eat a horse, can we eat now?' so we went to McDonalds. Unfortunately Chloe has other plans, right after we finish ordering from the counter she persuades my friends to transfer to another table with a relative distance from Jared and me.

"So," Jared's voice grabs my attention. "Are you coping to your new environment so far?" he asks.

"Ye—yeah!" I nod. "It's different but I could manage." I said with a smile looking at his green eyes.

He nods as he sips his soda, "That's good to hear." he bites his burger.

We eat in silence until Jared speak up, "I missed you." he murmur.


"I missed you." he repeats audibly. From the table where Chloe is surely interrogating my friends from Texas, I heard a a loud bang.

Elemental Galaxy: Supernatural[EDITING]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora