Chapter 10: Compromising Situations

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~Joey's POV~

My heart jumped into my throat as Shane spoke those words.  All these years of heartbreak were behind us, and I could envision our entire future ahead of us.  I took a deep breath as I spoke the words I've been waiting for three years to say to Shane.

"I love you, too."  

Shane smirked.  "Guess what?" Before he could answer, I pecked him on the lips, almost knocking our foreheads.  He gasped in mock horror, then the sly smirk I've always loved came back to his face.  "I'm in love with Joey-damn-Graceffa," he breathed, the words in my name punctuated with tiny kisses around my mouth.

"My lips are here, babe," I said, pointing at my mouth.  Just to tease me, he pecked me on the nose.  "You missed again!" I whined, pouting.  I would've crossed my arms, too, but Shane's hands trapped them against the bed.  I weakly struggled against him, not really trying to get out.  "You're not going anywhere, Joeyanya."

I smiled at his use of anya.  "But Shane, why would I want to go somewhere when everything I've ever wanted is right here?"  I brought my head up and kissed his cheek.

"Ugh!" Shane groaned.

"Sucks to be teased, now, doesn't it?"  I giggled.  He brought his face down and kissed me, a proper kiss, on my lips, letting go of my arms to cradle my face between his palms.  I slid one hand down his back, drawing my cold fingertips along the strip of skin between his t-shirt and his shorts.  The other I placed against the back of his neck, pressing his lips against mine.

He gasped against my lips, and broke apart just to whisper "Damn Graceffa…those hands wouldn't be so cold if they were busier doing…other things."  

I opened my mouth wide in a gasp, and he took that opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth.  All I could feel was his tongue and mine, and Shane's back as I ran my hand down further.  I squeezed his ass, just to see his reaction, and I felt him moan against my lips.  I had the urge to rip off his shirt right here, but there were too many chances for people to catch us in a…compromising situation. 

I heard a loud knocking on our door, and Shane and I both looked over to see Sawyer and Lisa staring at us.  Lisa was slow-clapping, and Sawyer looked shocked.

I saw Shane flush bright red at their appearance, and he rolled off of me to open the door, which he had had the insight to lock after he came in.  Sawyer and Lisa walked inside, and sat down in the two chairs in the room.  Shane reclaimed his post on my bed next to me, our hands clasped.  Shane cleared his throat.  "So, um, Lisa, I brought you here to tell you that Joey and I are together…just thought that we should tell you in person instead of having Sawyer deliver a message to you."

"Oh really?" Lisa responded, laughing.  "Judging by the scene Sawyer and I walked into, I wasn't really sure.  But thanks for clarifying."  That broke the tension in the room, and Shane blushed. I also felt my cheeks grow hot, no doubt turning my entire face red.  

I looked over to where Lisa and Sawyer were sitting.  With their fingers intertwined. "There something you guys want to tell us, too?"  I asked.

"Oh yeah!  So, um, we're dating now," Sawyer replied, his voice strangely high-pitched.  

Lisa looked up at him and touched his bicep.  "Hon, no need to be nervous!"  Sawyer relaxed a little bit at her touch.

"Sorry guys, I just…" Sawyer attempted to apologize.

"You're in love, Sawyer," Shane said.  "I get it."  My heart melted as Shane glanced at me.  "At least we didn't catch you guys sucking face practically having sex with clothes on.  Holding hands is much better."

"Oh my god, Shane!" I exclaimed.  I swatted at his arm, but he caught my hand and kissed it, then laid it back on the bed.  Sawyer finally cracked, filling the room with the sound of his warm laughter.

"So, Shoey…what're your plans?"  Sawyer asked. 

Shane groaned.  "You know, I kind of hate when people mash a couple into one person."

I frowned. "Well, I happen to love it."

Shane rolled his eyes.  "You didn't let me finish, babe.  You're the only exception."  He turned around and pecked me on the lips.  Sawyer looked down at his and Lisa's intertwined fingers, while she sighed happily.

"Sorry, wait…come again?" Shane asked.

"I SAID...what were your plans? To come out to everyone, and everything," Sawyer rolled his eyes, lauging.

Shane and I exchanged a glance.  "We haven't really thought about it," I admitted.  

"Yeah.  We got together an hour ago, and we've been making out the entire time, so we haven't really had time to discuss," Shane agreed.  I blushed and rolled my eyes.

But Sawyer had a point.  We would have to come out to everyone eventually.

"Well, we haven't exactly told our families yet, so we'll have to do that first," Shane added.

"Um, I already came out to my family a few months ago," I said.

Both Sawyer and Shane seemed startled at this new piece of information, but I pressed on, unwilling to give any answers for the questions they surely had.  "But Shane, you should come to Boston to meet my family sometime."

"Okay, but can you come with me to stop by my mom's house to tell her about us?"  Shane asked me, holding up our interlocked hands. 

I nodded. "Sure," I replied.

Looks like we had an appointment with Mrs. Yaw.

A/N Hey guys! for not uploading in a while (please don't kill me!)  I know this is a very underwhelming 10th chapter, but I needed a filler chapter, and, sadly, Chapter 10 had to be it. 

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