♢Flames♢ [Ichigo Hitofuri x Saniwa!Reader Oneshot]

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[Shigure: Hello everyone~! Welcome to my very first Touken Ranbu fanfiction ^w^ This is mostly a self indulgent fluff fic for the very underappreciated Ichi-nii , so I'm sorry if it's not as good as some of the other fics out there , haha. Constructive critism is always welcome !]

♢Idk if Ichi-nii actually remembered being burnt ? But I think since it was a hella traumatizing experience and judging from some of Souza's lines being retempered isn't very pleasant either so in this fic Ichigo will remember that for the sake of plot XD)

"The flames.....it hurts.....it hurts so much......" Ichigo hacked up blood before falling down and covering his nose in a futile attempt to stop the thick smoke from invading his lungs. Most of his body was already badly burnt , and being conscious through all of this meant he suffered through the slow torture of being burnt alive.

Where....Where was his master ? Did he forget him ?

Ichigo had no time to grieve , however , as a familiar voice called out to him. "ICHI-NII !!!" His eyes widened. Honebami and Namazuo. They were here too. They were suffering through this hell too. "I'm coming !" His voice was weak and hoarse , and he could only pray that his dear brothers heard him. Trying to get up , the tachi could only walk a few steps before stumbling and falling to the ground again , his body screaming protests. Shaking his head , he clenched his fists before stubbornly standing up and , ignoring the pain and the burn marks that now littered his once-smooth skin , he slowly but surely walked towards the exit. His brothers needed him. He would not fall that easily.

His vision was starting to become hazy , his white shirt stained with his own blood. "Not just yet !" He thought , summoning the last of his strength to drag his feet towards the exit.

What he didn't notice , was a pillar trembling like a leaf before giving up and falling towards him. That was the last thing he saw.

Ichigo's eyelids fluttered open as he tried to glance at his surroundings. "Where am I.....?" Trying to stand up , his entire body was soon wracked with pain , causing him to fall back down. That's right , he was burnt.......Was this the afterlife ? What about his brothers ?! Were they alright ?! A hundred questions flashed through his brain at once.

His eyes widened in horror as he got a glimpse of his own body. His lower body was practically destroyed , and there were burn marks , fresh wounds and bruises everywhere. Tears rolled down his face like a broken string of pearls as he thought that he would never be able to see his master or his brothers ever again.

"So this is Ichigo Hitofuri , the "Once In A Lifetime" blade......It would be such a pity to leave it in the ruins of Osaka Castle." Ichigo jolted up upon hearing his name , glancing at the two humans who were staring down at him. "Are....are you sure about this , my lord ? It can be retempered , but the sword may never look the same ever again." Ichigo turned his head , trying to hear what they were saying better. The more regal looking one nodded before exiting the room.

The other human , probably a blacksmith judging from his attire , sighed and pulled out a hammer. "W-wait , what are you doing....?!" Ichigo cried out , but the blacksmith paid him no mind. He adjusted Ichigo slightly before bringing the hammer down on him , making Ichigo let out a pained scream. He struggled , trying to get up , but since his legs were also charred walking was only wishful thinking.

This continued for quite some time , and by the end of it Ichigo's throat was raw from begging and his vision was starting to get blurry from the pain.

But that wasn't even the worst of it.

The blacksmith picked him up and checked him over a few times before throwing him in the forge. Ichigo gasped at being thrown into the fiery red flames yet again , scratching and clawing at the forge in a futile attempt to get out. Tears ran down his eyes as not only his body burnt , but the memories of his dear master who would smile so kindly at him , and also the times he spent with his brothers. "Please....Please stop...." He pleaded weakly , but no one heard him. Engulfed by the flames once more , Ichigo's eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2017 ⏰

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