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He stared at his watch which read " 3;33 A.M".

The sky which was now at the level of his eyes stared back at him with the stars as its eyes. " The sky has a lot of eyes.." though Josh, I wonder what would happen If I counted them, again. It's not like the boy on the steps should stop me-" due to the red haired boy thinking out loud the boy on the steps could hear exactly what he came out of his mouth. When Josh Dun thought he thought out loud, most times. Unless he was at the top of the School Church's tower and the boy with the black jacket and iPod was below on the steps.

No matter how hard the boy above with red hair tried to think in silence he couldn't bring himself to simply not speak his mind, even if it meant for that the boy below listened to his musings. It was usually a fairly easy thing for Josh to do, but when he was up above, with the stars, the sun, and himself, he felt like he didn't have a choice.

In reality, he did. Josh Dun could really do anything he pleased as there was nothing- or no-one- in his way that would try and stop him from doing what he wanted. Which really there wasn't. There was something, he didn't know what it was, that stopped him from doing what he wanted. But then what did Josh really want? He might want to leave, the town, the city, the house, the school.

" So If I leave. I'm leaving, for good. I won't come back. Not for anything or anyone at all. There isn't anyone to come back for! What even is the point in staying, and wasting my days here, on top of the Church that belongs to a school that I'm going to have to leave at some point whenever I choose that point to be. But that's the thing really. I can't choose. Getting me to make some sort of choice isn't what someone want's to be wasting their time doing because it won't work. I'll pick both options, again, again and again.


" I know you can hear me, I can feel it right there" yelled Josh to no one in particular but probably the brunette on the steps, pointing to where he thought his heart resided in his body. " That when I make that choice, if I ever do, you're not going to care to ask me to think it over, because I would've thought it over enough already, you won't even say a goddamn word to me about anything probably. Except you would probably just tell me to not try and die. I can't promise you that." As the red-head spoke he didn't realise he had risen to a standing position and was now what might seem to anyone else a little too close to the edge. He looked back, turning his head painstakingly slowly, trying his hardest to not move his feet another inch, if they did he would probably cease to exist, to try and see how far he'd come from where he was before, where he sat before, where he felt like he lived before.

He'd come far, a little too far for his liking, but still, far enough. For one day.

He could never promise anyone anything, he didn't see the point of saying two simple words and that binding you to what you almost vowed. The boy on the steps saw the value though. Not just of the promises he said he would never make but would, but of him. He remained silent, staring into what lay beyond the steps, not making a sound, letting Josh Dun, speak all he wanted, hearing every word that he said.

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