Would you Rather 2?

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(Mostly Ot28 but with a bit of Ot49)

1. Have 1 unit debut or have 92 line debut?

2. Have Yonghyun diss you or Have Hongin salsa dance on you?

3. Stay in a room with Bongjin or Have to eliminate 1 of the boys?

4. Have Doha cook for you or Have Youngdoo eat with you?

5. Be in a pizza cf with Youngdoo or be in a barely tea cf with Unit Yellow?

6. Have Unit White/Green do hip thrusts during Bop or Have Unit Yellow/Sky be cute to the fans while in animal pjs?

7. Have Insoo brought back or Have 1 eliminated member be brought back of your choice expect Insoo?

8. Have Inho blind you with his beauy or Have Inho make you deaf with his loudness?

9. Your top 11 debut in the final line up or have ships like 2ho and etc debut in the final line up?

10. Dodoo or 2ho?

11. Jinji or Chaninani?

12. Have Yongkwon be lead rapper or have Isaac be lead rapper?

13. Have OT28 debut as 28 in the same company or Have them debut in the same units but different company?

14. Go to Japan with Jinseok to visit his sister or Go to Malaysia with Isaac to visit his parents?

15. Have rap line be vocals for a day or Have 92 line be rappers for a day?

16. Have San rap or Have Youngdoo rap?

17. Have blonde Sunghyun again or Have a blonde Jihyeong again?

18. Have a blonde Youngdoo or have a black hair Suhan?

19. Touch David's abs or Touch Woojin's thighs?

20. Have Yeontae meet Bitto again but as a idol or Have Youngdoo meet Donghyuk again but as a idol?

21. Have the boys have a proper full rest or have the boys get better promotions and a bit of rest?

22. Have a cute Jihyeong or Have a jealous Sunghyun?

23. Have Dodoo confess to each other live or Have 2ho admit their relationship?

24. Have Woojin talk sexy to you or Have Hyunuk be sexy to you?

25. Be Jaehyun in the first unit white v live or Be Haejoon in the first unit white v live? (This is the one which Sunghyun is in and Doha tried to steal Sunghyun's necklace)

26. Have Jinsub, Doha and Youngdoo dress up in bears or Have one unit expect unit white wear animal onzies/pjs?

27. Go to an anime convention with Jinseok or Go to a theatre play with Inho?

28. Go to 3 concerts and have your bias be MVP in one of them or Go to one concert without your bias becoming MVP but all your mutuals are there?

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