Karkat >>>> WAKE UP

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Everyday you would wake up feeling like shit. Your eyes stung and you were always short tempered and tired despite wasting most of the day asleep. 

But, you decided to restrain from moaning about your life problems to the trolls around you. What good would it do? A few remarks would surely follow and even if someone decided that they were concerned about your well being they're not likely to be able to make you feel better. 

You bottled it up. Kept to yourself as best you could until you met her. (__Y/N__) (__L/N__) 

She was the most beautiful troll you'd ever seen with her silky _____ hair and those deep _____ eyes that you always got lost in when you saw them. She could light up even the crappiest of days just by looking at you and you often found yourself mentally slapping yourself when she distracts you so easily. 

For some reason; life had decided to give you a break resulting in you watching (__Y/N's__) chest slowly rise nd fall while her arms and fingers are intertwined with your own. 

Your name is KARKAT VANTAS.

This is your matesprit. 

You think of all the fun filled weeks you've had with her as you gently stroke the side of her cheek, recieving a soft smile in return. Her eyelids flutter open and meet yours as she lays there blinking and taking in her surroundings. You both lay in your hive side by side after she crashed here the night before. 

"Hello Karkat..." She says in a calm and quiet voice as she stretches her arms above her head.

You can't help but grin. "Hello to you too lazy ass." 

She returns the gesture and there it is. The expression that caused you to fall horns over heels for her in the first place. 

"What time is it?" 

"Who cares?" 

The grin explodes wider and she leans forward where you meet her half way. You take note on how she quickly slipped a tic-tack into her mouth in attempt to weaken the morning breath and return to your originial position, staring at the ceiling after stealing one last kiss.

The angry personallity has subsided, overblown by your love for her.

So bad. SO short. AHRAUHA; I'll upload longer and better soon.

[SHORT] Karkat x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now