chapter 7: alright

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Great. It was the start of 5th grade and I looked awful. I had a cast on my arm, a guys haircut, and scratches all over. But it could be worse.

But I didn't have time to be mad, I had to get ready before my brothers.

I put on pants, a shirt, and a beanie.

I head out the door with a poptart in my hand,sprinting to my mom's car thats at the end of the long driveway. It was just my mom, me, nathan,and Hunter. Connor goes to high school now and walks there with his friends.

As I walked to the field, I was daydreaming when I got knocked out of my thoughts. Literally. A football hit my head.

"SORRY SERGE, I THOUGH YOU WOULD CATCH IT" yelled Grayson while Noah walked towards me.

"Are you okay?" Noah asked


Ethan and Noah laughed and we talked about what classed we have. Lucky for us, we had 2 classes together. We all had P.E. together, me and Grayson had literature together. Noah was in 4th grade, so we told him what his teachers would be like because the twins and me were in 4th grade last year.


It was lunch time now, the day went smoothly. Good thing we had P.E. before lunch because we were hungry.
This year, we can have lunch with Noah because he's a 4th grader now. 3rd grade has lunch at 11 and 4th and 5th grade has lunch at 12.
I felt like I was being watched, i turned my head around slightly and saw a group of girls. I was just thinking, please don't make fun of me now.
We sat down at a table and waved over Noah and a couple of his other friends. Brandon,kai, and Aj, they're pretty cool people.

"Serge, this girl is checking you out" Ethan whispered in my ear.
"What?" I said while giving him a strange look.
"Addison has been looking at you for a while." Ethan said
"Why?" I asked
"I don't know" he whispered before jumping back into the group conversation.

I couldn't help but wonder why she was looking at me, I know I look weird but they don't have to stare at me. I can practically feel the judgment from the other table. But I didn't want that to spoil my day.

Lunch was over and the everyone decided on playing basketball to pass the time before class started. I had that feeling of being watched again. But I ignored it. I'm not the best at basketball, but I love it. My cast made it kinda hard to play but I kept going.

I sat on the floor when I got tired, and watch the guys. I looked to the side and saw the same girl from earlier, Addison. She was staring at me.


We went our separate ways to class. It was the last to classes of the day. I was SOOO ready to go home.

I joined music class. Music was my last class of the day. I thought joining would get me out of my shell.

"Welcome everyone to music! I'm Mr. Moran, and today I'm going to be telling you about the instruments you could play this year." After Mr. Moran talking to us about the instrument choices, I decided on piano,percussion, or trumpet. They were all so amazing to be honest.


I walked to the front gate with the form in my hand looking it over. It was a form to give me permission to use the instruments, and if something happens, I have to pay for it and stuff.

I already have a piano at home, my family loves music a lot.

This is how the school is organized that way you have an idea

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This is how the school is organized that way you have an idea. Front gate is how you get in.

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