Chapter Two

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As the sun sat in the sky, the birds chirping and singing in the tall trees of the small town. The seagulls squawked at each other and the townspeople who were making their way towards their daily morning routines of opening their family owned stores.

Walking down the street with his earphones wedged into his ears, the music blasting from his ears, so loud that others who passed him by could hear every single word that was being sung by the artist. He would get the occasional glare from passerby's, angry at him for blasting the must so loud, and others as they were concerned about his eardrums. Ethan wore his khaki jacket with the collars flipped up as they broke the fresh, cold breeze that swooped in from the Atlantic ocean.

As he strode down the street with a cocky smirk smacked across his face – as of course he knew that people were staring at him and making comments about the loudness of his music – he walked past the bakery store, he took a quick glance and noticed both Allison and Mandy standing in the store. Allison stood behind the counter with flour splashed across her cheeks and a dash on her nose. Her hair was tied up in a tight ponytail once more but had already started to become loose with the early amount of work that she had already began to do. Ethan's smirked grew. He took a step back and pushed open the door, taking one of his earphones out.

"What a wonderful day it is today." He said as he stepped into the store.

Allison rolled her eyes in disgust. "I don't need this shit." She whispered.

Mandy placed her hand on her hips. "What are you doing here, Ethan?"

"I just passed the store and I saw you inside.I thought that I would come and see my cousin and see how she was doing this morning."He said with a cocky smirk on his face.

"No. Ethan, you came in here to stare some shit. Please don't. We don't need it this morning. Allison definitely doesn't need it this morning."

"I wasn't gonna stare up some shit. I was just gonna come and see how you were doing this morning."

Allison dipped her head. "I find that hard to believe." She muttered under her breath.

Mandy heard her and sighed softly. She took a step towards Ethan and placed her hand on his chest pushing him backwards slightly. Ethan looked at her with an innocent, yet arrogant look on his face. "Ally doesn't need your shit this morning. She's got enough to deal with and she definitely doesn't need you staring things up. So, how about you go to work because you know that my dad is gonna be waiting for you there, pointing at his watch and giving you the disappointed stare."

"If you must know, I'm actually early this morning so when I saw you, I merely thought that I would make a pit stop and see my favourite cousin."

Mandy moved her arms to her chest and folded them in front of it. "I'm your only cousin."

"On my dad's side. Not on the other side."

"What are you still doing here, Ethan? Just go, will you."

Ethan smirked and leaned forward. "Fine. But don't say that I don't come and visit you."

Mandy rolled her eyes in disgust. "Will you just go, Ethan. You've overstayed your welcome already. Just go to work and I'll come down to see dad in about ten minutes."

Ethan craned his neck around Mandy to look at Allison. She still had her head lowered, she closed her eyes but Ethan could still see the rolling movement underneath her closed lids. He smirked and craned his neck back into the normal position. He flashed his trademark smirk and placed his earphone back into his ear. He raised his eyebrows up quickly before turning on his heels and exiting through the door.

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