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Now before I tell you our story there's a couple of things you must know. For starters, I am not a drug user. Okay? Nor is my sister. This story isn't some made up or a fantasy you got that? Second, to read this story you must, and I mean absolutely must have an open mind. If you're going to be complaining like 'oh, this can't happen because physics or God' crap stop reading. Now. Go back to your ordinary, boring life because this story is nothing but extraordinary and it will change how you live from now on. How do I know? Because it did just that to my sister and I.
Our names are Maysen and Nate Shores, we're newly turned 18 years old twins, and this is our story.

Maysen and I were close when we were small, always doing everything together from playing tag and hide and seek to sharing a bedroom till we were 13. And much of that hasn't change even to the present day in high school except for things changing because of our age. Like we even have the same best friends, we play play on the school's male lacrosse team, we even liked the same girl at one point. The main point of me telling you this, I want- no, I need you to know that without a doubt my sister is not just my family, but she's my best friend too. Maybe it's some psychic twin thing, maybe it's because when we lost Mom we were the only one who was truly there for each other but we have....... a connection? I don't really know, but it plays a part later on in the story.

Now all of this started on the last day of high school forever, I'm talking about graduation day. It's the first day that our lives truly start. Alcohol, girls, no more school,  Graduation basically takes place for about the entire day. But our graduation isn't really important to the story line at all. Anyways by the time we had finished partying with our friends and dates and by the time my sister and I finally came stumbling home (slightly tipsy) it was around 12 am.

"That, was the best party ever!" My sister laughed, stepping bare foot onto our front porch as she had given up walking/dancing in high heals about 3 hours before. "Pfftshhhh" I happily slurred, "Dad's probably sleep so we betta be quiet."
Maysen nodded and covered her mouth to prevent another laugh. She held open the battered screen door open as I stumbled with my keys. After a couple of minutes tipsy giggling, fumbling for the right key and dropping them twice, I managed to slip the key in and unlocked the door. I opened the large brown door to our house and took a couple of steps into our house, Maysen following right behind me.

"You want some water sis?" I kicked off my shoes and tossed my coat and keys onto the couch. We both walked into the kitchen quietly (or as quietly as two tipsy teens could be at least) I grabbing two glasses and filling them with water. "Never mind, I'm grabbing you some anyways." I drunkly giggle like a small girl. She smirked "Thanks bruh, Imma change into pj's" Maysen slowly left the kitchen and went downstairs where both of our bed rooms and bath room hide.

"Nate. Come here." I heard my sister call out for me from the living room. The drunkenness no longer tinted her speech and her voice had become completely serious. I walked carefully into the small living room with the other glass of water gripped tightly in my hand, once half way across the living room I slowly looked up from the glass for just a moment and completely lost focus on the water. There laying down on the love chair was our father who I had assumed was asleep in his room and Maysen sat on the floor next to him feeling his forehead. I could tell that he wasn't asleep and he definitely wasn't okay. His hair was plastered onto his forehead from sweat and he wore the expression of pain.

"He's burning up." She turned to me as she quickly got up and went to the kitchen. "I need you to get changed while I grab a cloth and a bucket of cold water." I heard the sound of the tap turning on as I rushed up the stairs and into our room changing as fast as humanly possible. After changing into an comfortable shirt and pants I waked down stairs.

"What's wrong with him? He was fine when he left the party and showed no signs of being sick in the past days, weeks, or even in the past month." I walked over to my father and sister. Maysen was gently dabbing the wet cold cloth on Dad's forehead to try to cool him off. She shrugged, "I have as much information as you do Nate." and handed the cloth to me.

"So....then what do we do?" I looked up at Maysen.

"Who knows..."

And this was the start of my very long and complicated story.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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