Big Day

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm trying to update as much as i can during these school holidays so here a new chapter for you lovelys!


*Sarahs POV*

"We're here!" Harry said stopping the car. I am so nervous. What if im not good enough!? What if i stuff up!?

"You'll be just fine princess" Niall whispered in my ear. Was i speaking my thought aloud?

"Yes, yes you were" Gemma said laughing. I really need to stop doing that. We got out of the car and walked into a big building where the others were waiting for us.

"You ready Sarah?" Harry said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we walked into someones office... Simons office.

"Ah boys its nice to see you again! And this must be Sarah" Simon said pointing to me. I waved shyly, my nerves getting the better of me. We took a seat, some of us ending up on the floor.

"So i hear you have a nice voice, why dont you show me?" Simon says leaning his elbows on the desk. Show time i guess. I try to sing but nothing comes out, my nerves are getting worse!

"C'mon Sarbear, you can do it" Harry said rubbing my back. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"So your friends been telling me, you've been sleeping with my sweater. And that you can't stop missing me.

I bet my friends telling you, I'm not doing much better. Cause I'm missing half of me.

And being here without you is like im waking up to

Only half a blue, kinda there but not quiet.

I'm walking round with just one shoe, I'm half heart without you.

I'm have a man at best, with half and arrow in my chest.

I miss everything we do, I'm half a heart without you"

I finished at the end of the chorus, my cheek stinging in pain. I tried not to show the pain but I guess it was obvious.

"Are you ok?" Simon asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yea im fine my cheek just hurts" i said faking a smile.

"Ok well you sound great" he said but his voice was monotone. Oh god

"But?" Niall asks

"But you're just not as good as Harry" he says. oh

"What do I have to do with her singing?" Harry asked getting a little angry.

"She is your sister so, many people would expect her to be as good or even better than you" Simon explained

"So!? Shes amazing and she deserves this more than anyone!" Harry said raising is voice, getting angrier by the second.

"Harry calm down" i whispered. My voice barely audible.

"No! This isnt fair! Who cares if you're my sister!? You have an AMAZING voice and you DESERVE to be signed!" Harrys face had now turned a shade of crimson red and his hands were clenched into fists.

"Uncle Si I agree with Harry that isnt fair" Liam said also getting a little angry.

"Im sorry boys but I can't sign Sarah" Simon said standing up from his chair and walking out of the room, leaving us all there in shock.

"Im so sorry Sarbear I thought he would agree" Harry said putting his head in his hands.

"It's ok Hazza I'm used to rejection" I said in all honesty.

Sister Styles and Mr Horan (One Direction/Niall Horan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now