chapter 1

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No one's pov

"Lauren Michelle Jauregui you're arrested for possession of drugs."
The tall police officer said.

He put her in the back of the police car and drove to the station. When they arrived the officer grabbed Lauren from the back of the car, they walked in to the station. The tall police officer sat Lauren down by one of the desks. Lauren saw the tall police officer walking to the reception.

Camila's pov

I saw my dad walking in with a handcuffed girl I think that that's the girl that got arrested for the drugs, why do people have to be so dumb.
I saw my dad walking over to me.
"Hey mija this is the last one I need to handle, before we go to dinner okay? I'm sorry." My dad said with an small smile on his face. I nodded my head before he walked back to the girl he came with.

Lauren pov

I saw the tall police officer walking back to me from the girl siting down by the reception. I wonder what she has done. She's a kinda hot tho.
"Mrs. Jauregui did you talk to your parents yet?" With that the same police officer broke my thoughts.
I shook my head as a response.
My eyes started to get watery at the word 'parents'. "Well you can call them now and tell them they can come fill in some papers and pick you up and so I can tell them your punishment." He said.
"I can't" I responded before a tear would fall on my cheeks but I quickly wiped it away before the officer could see it.
"Well it think you can here you are."
He handed me the phone, but I didn't pick it up, instead I responded annoyed "I said I can't."
"Well you have to if you want to get out of here eventually." He said with an worried face.
"They don't even care okay, so it doesn't matter just leave me here."
He shook his head and said "I can't because if u don't call your parents you gotta stay in jail. Let me call them for you, what's their number?"
I couldn't say anything my thoughts were somewhere else by my parents.
"Hello Mrs Jauregui can you give me the number" with that he broke my thoughts. "I said you can't" I almost shouted at him with my watery eyes.
"Mrs Jauregui you don't really got a choice you know can I get the number now?"
"You can't because they are dead okay. Is that what you wanted to hear" I shouted at him with tears falling down my cheek.
He sat down next to me and opened his arms. I fell in hi embrace and layer my head on his chest crying even more.
"I'm so sorry if I knew I wouldn't of pushed you to it. We can find another way to get you out of here. And I'm really sorry about your parents."
He said giving me an apologic look.
He walked to one of his colleague and after 3 minutes of having an conversation with him he turned and came back. "Mrs Jauregui I got good news. You are able to leave now and we will only hold it by an punishment can you give me your number so I can call you after we decide what your punishment is?" I gave him my number on a peace of paper.
"Well I'm going to my daughter now and have some dinner I hope you don't do something like this again.
Do you have somewhere to sleep?"
"Yes I'm staying at a friends." I lied.
I didn't have friends here I miami because i came here to start all over again but it seems to have failed.
I greeted the officer and walked out of the building. I sat down on the floor next to the door waiting for a new day to come. After half an hour the door opened I saw the girl that sat by the reception walk out of the building I think that that's his daughter he was talking about. I hid my face in the hope he wouldn't see me but it didn't work he turned around and saw me
He started walking over to me.
"Hey, why are you still here are you waiting for your friend?" I shook my head. "Well do you need a ride?" I shook my head again. And he started to worry. "I may have lied about having a place to sleep." I confessed to him.

A/N; hey guys this is my first story I've ever made in English or any language please tell me, comment or vote if you liked it so I can know if I should start writing this story.
Much love to all of you❤

One Thing On My MindOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora